Chapter Two

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Goldenkit snuggled close to her mother, She had opened her eyes two days ago and Whisperkit did too. But Strawberrykit had only opened her's last night before she fell asleep. They would be able to play outside today! She thought happily as she dreamt of Beautiful butterfly's and a large blue sky. Just the idea made her fill with happiness. She felt Whisperkit fidget beside her and guessed that she was dreaming of the same thing. In the morning all three of them would go outside. Goldenkit let the happiness slide away from her as she fell asleep.


"Goldenkit!" Goldenkit felt a paw prod her side. "Goldenkit!" It was Whisperkit trying to wake her up. "What?" Goldenkit ask still half asleep. "Get up it's morning!" Goldekit instantly shot up. She saw her mother laying in her nest smiling as she eyed over her kits. "Good Morning little ones." She say in her soft gentle voice.

"We can go outside today right?" Whisperkit and Goldenkit would ask almost in unison and Goldenkit's heart soared as she saw her mother nod. "Strawberrykit opened her eyes, so I don't see why not."  Goldenkit gave a little bounce of excitement, but paused. Realizing Strawberrykit wasn't in her nest. Goldenkit jumped over the edge of the nest and found Strawberrykit wrestling with Softkit. Goldenkit stepped in and gave Strawberrykit a playful cuff around the ear. "Come on, Icefur says we can go outside!" She squeak. Softkit jumped over the edge of his nest and came back with Brightkit. All five of the kits ran for the entrance. "Don't get under any cat's paws." She here Icefur call behind them. As soon as Goldenkit stepped outside the brightness made her rub her eyes with a paw, her eyes soon grew used to the brightness and she looked around. So many things to look at, the tree's, the leaves, the cats!

"Come on," Brightkit beckoned. "We'll show you around camp." Strawberrykit gave a little stomp of protest. "But What if we want to explore it ourselves?!" She ask and Whisperkit would give her a little nudge on the shoulder. "Icefur told us last night when we go out we gotta stay together." She remind her. "Yeah, Besides, It'll be easier this way." Goldenkit added and after a moment she saw Strawberrykit nod. "I guess..." They little pack of kits stopped by a leafy den with a low roof. "This is the apprentices den." Brightkit would inform the three kits. "And over there," She point to a similar den, except this den was bigger and had a higher roof. "That's the warrior's den." Softkit Beckoned the three to follow him. "See the big rocks over there." Goldenkit would nod and she heard Whisperkit say. "Yeah."

"That's the leaders den." Softkit would puff out his chest. "That'll be my den soon."

"Not if I get there first!" Brightkit would add playfuly. "Come on, you still have to meet the elders." Brightkit would say before dashing to a fallen tree. Strawberrykit and Whisperkit would follow Softkit at the head of the three but Goldenkit stayed and walked toward the den. She inched her way toward the den. and popped her head inside. The den was dark and a curtain of lichen added extra privatcy. "You must ask before entering." A voice behind her made Goldenkit jump. A Fawn she-cat with pretty Amber eyes spoke to her. "I'm so sorry." Goldenkit would mew. "I just wanted to know whats inside..." She would be relived to she the she-cat smile. "Then you must ask." She walk toward the lichen curtain. "Whitestar." She address the lead formally. "You have a visitor." There would be a pause before a new voice came from inside the den. "Come in." The she-cat would go into the den and Goldenkit would follow. The den was much small than she imagined. The ground was sandy and soft and there was one nest in the corner of the den. A white shape would move out of the nest.

"Skyheart." Goldenkit watched Whitestar dip his head to Skyheart and Skyheart returned the politegesture. "You have a curiouskit who wanted to meet you." She mew and Whitestar's eyes would shift from Skyheart to Goldenkit. "This is Thissleyowl's kit, yes?" He ask Skyheart eyes not leaving Goldenkit and Skyheart quickly replied. "Yes." Whitestar would smile. "Your father was very brave." He give a slight nod of approval. "He would be proud of you and your sisters." Goldenkit would give her puffy chest fur a couple of embarrassed licks. "Thank you," She pause. "Um, I'm Goldenkit." She add and mimic the head dip that she saw Skyheart do. "You will make a great warrior, Goldenkit. Just like your father, if you choose the path of a warrior that is." Goldenkit would look confused. "What other paths are there?" She ask. Whitestar would nod. "Some cats would rather heal than fight," He pause. "Medicine cat is another possible path, Willowtail is looking a apprentice and if you choose you may follow that path." Goldenkit would give a slight nod but then turned when she heard her name be called. "Goldenkit!" Her mother called. The others must have realized she was missing and told Icefur. Whitestar placed his tail on Goldenkit's shoulder and lead her out of the den. Icefur was frantically looking with three other warriors. "It's alright." Whitestar called. "Me and Her were just talking in my den." Whitestar would soothe the worried warriors and queen. Icefur's eyes calmed and her ruffled fur laid flat again and she rushed to Goldenkit. "I told you to stay together." She scolded. "I'm so sorry if she disturbed you, Whitestar."

"It's not a problem, She wanted to meet me, curiosity is a good trait for a warrior..." He smile. "Or Medicine cat." He add with a slight laugh then he looked at Icefur. "Take her to meet Willowtail, I think that the world Willowtail lives in might perk her interests." Icefur would give a slight smile and then dip her head.


After meeting Willowtail Goldenkit had so many questions. But her mother her came to get her before she was able to ask any. When she got back to the nursery she was bombarded with questions. But Goldenkit was far to tiered to answer any. She just wanted sleep. "How were the elders?" She ask Whisperkit and Strawberrykit. "Boring in comparison to the Leaders den!" Whisperkit would answer. "That's good." Goldenkit would yawn. The steady beat of her mothers heart calming her mind as she drifted of into sleep.


I got lazy at the end there sorry :S

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