Chapter Three

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"Brightpaw! Softpaw!" The clan Chanted as the newly named apprentices stepped away from their leader and towards their mentors.Softpaw had received Stoneclaw as a mentor and Brightpaw had received Heartvine. Stoneclaw would teach Softpaw disipline and put good use to all the energy he possesses. Heartvine would be gentle but firm with Brightpaw and teach her the value of patience. 'One more moon.' Goldenkit knew that her and her siblings shared the same thought, however. Goldenkit saw her future in a very different way. She saw her future light up with strong smelling herbs and journeys to the moonstone - Not hunting or fighting - Just healing. 

 "Goldenkit, look! NOW!" Whisperkit shot to Goldenkits side, Moving Goldenkit's head in the direction of Strawberrykit. "Look how cute she is!" Whisperkit purred. And it was true, Strawberrykit was the smallest of them. Her fur still had the fluffy softness unlike Herself and Whisperkit's whos had already started to look sleek and like flat. Goldenkit was fond of both her sisters, but some how, she had this odd feeling that her training would leave that bond weaker. She would no longer share a den with them, nor train with them. The only time she'd see her sisters is when she wasn't busy training or they wern't busy training.

Goldenkit let out a soft sigh, she was thinking to much about this, they were sisters, nothing could ever change that... right?


Goldenkit woke up early that morning, she wanted to be alone. She had started hanging around her sisters so much that she was getting a little sick of them. Like the other day when Strawberrykit tried pulling a mouse out of the bottom of the fresh-kill pile and the hole pile fell over on Goldenkit. "I've never heard of prey catching cats." Whisperkit's voice was shaky as she tried to keep the back the laugh so she could talk.

Goldenkit slowly sneaked out the low entrance. The air had a cold breeze to it and golden leaves fell from the trees as the breeze made its way across the clearing. Goldenkit sat outside the den watchimg the cats stir from their dens. Brightpaw and Softpaw were up early. ' Eager to start their frist day of training. ' She guessed. Skyheart was organizing the patrols, as usual. Goldenkit looked up at the sky, watching the stray clouds float by. Thinking about what great warriors her sisters were going to be. Whisperkit, would be a strong fighter, but her impatience would make her a poor hunter. Strawberrykit would be terrific at hunting, her small frame able to follow prey quickly would a decent fighter. She wouldn't be able to take on a full grown Shadowclan warrior even when she becomes a warrior.

The thought sent a shiver down Goldenkits spine. 'You act to much like a worry some warrior.' Willowtail had once told her. 'You're a kit, you are free to have fun.'Stop worrying so much.' But Goldenkit couldn't help it. Ever since she realized that she would be separated from her siblings she realized how lonely she be. She had spent a lot of time with them between then and now, and had enjoyed all of it. The way Whisperkit looks after Strawberrykit like a mother. But Whisperkit would say that she act more of a fatherly figure to Strawberrykit. Goldenkit thought with a purr of a amusment. Or when Strawberrykit had fallen that one time and Whisperkit and Herself had helped her find her paws.

She kept staring at the sky, her negative thoughts searing in the back of her head. 'I'll keep them safe'. Goldenkit promised herself. 'No matter what.'


T.T Such a short chapter I'M ASHAMED!

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