Chapter Six

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Whisperpaw opened her eyes and pulled herself to her paws. Strawberrypaw was out of her nest and she guessed it was almost Sunhigh. Brightpaw was cleaning herself in her nest and paused to look over when she noticed Whisperpaw was awake. "Can you believe this?! Tonight is our first gathering!!"  Brightpaw was almost always energetic, but today she seemed to have more energy than she normally did.

"Do you know who's going?"  Whisperpaw asked and Brightpaw shook her head. "All I know is that its you, me, Strawberrypaw, Softpaw, Goldenpaw and the normal medicine cat and deputy." Brightpaw paused. "And Watterstar is too."

Whisperpaw held back a laugh. 'Her name is Brightpaw, you'd think she be brighter!' She thought. Whisperpaw and Brightpaw chatted some more. Mainly about the gathering. Brightpaw was telling Whisperpaw about how she would meet some mysterious tom and they'd run off into the wild together. "And you really think that will happen? Brightpaw, You realize by doing that you'd be breaking the warrior code right?" Brightpaw tilted her head, she was confused. "But what if I-" She stop herself and looked down at her paws. Whisperpaw's whiskers twitched with amusement and she walked out of the den. Leaving Brightpaw with her thoughts. 'She actually thought that she was going to meet a 'Mysterious tom' and they'd fall madly in love on sight!' She let out a sigh. 'Some she-cats.'


Whisperpaw sat outside the apprentices den, all the cats had begun to gather. But Whisperpaw's stomach rumbled. She smiled as Goldenpaw padded out of the Medicine cat's den. "Goldenpaw!" She yowled from across the camp. Goldenpaw looked her way and padded over to join her.

 "What?" Goldenpaw asked.

"GO GET ME A MOUSE!" Whisperpaw demanded

"Why me?" Goldenpaw asked playfully.

"Because my stomach is making the rumbles." Whisperpaw replied.


"That only a mouse can satisfy." Whisperpaw smirked when Goldenpaw sighed.

"Fine. Only because I'm hungry too." Goldenpaw padded over to the fresh-kill pile and Whisperpaw lost interest after that. Strawberrypaw was pacing by her mentor; Frozenleaf; whom was trying to calm his aperntice's nerves. Icefur sat at the edge of the group of cats she looked around every now and again. But she wasn't talking to any cat. Whisperpaw tried to catch her mother's eye but her mother either didn't notice her or didn't care.

 Goldenpaw returned with the a small mouse and a shrew. "You." She dropped the shrew at Whisperpaw's paws. "Get the shrew." 

"But I wanted a mouse!" Whisperpaw protested, but Goldenpaw had already eaten half the mouse, so it was the shrew or nothing. She sighed and began eating. A few heartbeats after she had finished Waterstar gathered up all the cats and said something to his clan that Whisperpaw didn't quite catch before speeding out the entrance. Goldenpaw and Strawberrypaw were on either side of Whisperpaw and together they sped through the forest.

Goldenpaw was the fastest of the three, Strawberrypaw kept up well and only Whisperpaw herself was falling behind, a Strange scent was in the air as they neared the boarder. Goldenpaw seemed to notice it too, but Whisperpaw just assumed it was the scent of the other clans. Whisperpaw stopped when Goldenpaw did, Strawberrypaw slowed but Whisperpaw motioned for her to keep going. She nodded and went to catch up with the others. "Goldenpaw, where are you going?" She asked.

Goldenpaw turned. "Jeez, can't a cat make dirt?" She laugh. "Go with the others, I'll catch up." The strange scent was in the air still and Whisperpaw had her doubts but she simply nodded and went to go catch up with Strawberrypaw and the rest of her clan.


Author's Notes:

Oh so short chapter, and that's right Dangqueso, you'd be the slowest.

Stay Awesome.

Addicted to Fame- I mean... Rainbows.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2012 ⏰

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