So, shall we?

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Do you even need to know, eh?

If so, don't read on. Nothing 'ere.

Just keep in mind I am a person.

A person very queer.

You haven't scurried off yet, have you?

You're already five lines in.

And that there, was the sixth one.

And I'm sure you're not here for countin'?

Tell me, then, why are you here?

And what is it that you seek?

You must be feeling very powerful now,

But keep in mind you're really weak.

Like others, do you want to make fun of me?

And indirectly insult me all the while?

Or, are you here to try something new,

And piss me off with some style?

Well since you're well till here,

Then tell me where you want to begin.

Since you're well till here,

You must keep in mind that I'm very thin.

Yes, I can glide past all these claustrophobic insults

The ones that you're here to shoot at me.

I do not know who sent you,

And I'd like to keep it that way, you see.

But if you're one of the rarer ones,

Just here to explore.

And by rare, the rarest of the rarer ones,

Here, looking for a dwelling, a shore.

Then by all means you're welcome,

But you're advised to not get too attached,

For I am a pathetic little beast

Just waiting for the egg to hatch.

Yeah, then I'll feed the chick,

The chick that comes out.

And I'll go on feeding it,

Until it's all plump and stout.

And if you're one of the rarest of the rarer of the rare,

You'll join me in my feast.

But again, I'm warning you,

All I am is a pathetic little beast.

I'm scarred inside very deep,

Scarred because of words for eternity.

If you have the courage to take a peek,

Then come and join the fraternity.

You'll laugh with me,

And with me you'll cry.

You'll share this space with me,

Until you're old enough to die.

Alas! I know many aren't up to this task,

And I know the bar is set very very high,

But keep in mind if you're the rarest of the rare,

With me you'll learn to fly.

I am a pathetic little beast after all,

But I know how to do a few things, you see.

I am indeed a pathetic little beast,

But so are you, so, shall we?

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