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age: eleven

Audrey stays away

from James and Anjelique,

because seeing them together

was making her feel bleak.

She goes to camp alone

where she would've usually gone with him;

thought a day without the two of them

would make her feel less grim.

So it was with extreme surprise

that she, then, finds them there;

in the cabin she and James,

for years, had used to share.

Her bag falls on her shoulder

and her face contorts to a frown;

while his presence was indeed welcomed,

hers had brought her down.

"What're you guys doing here?"

she asks, in a falsely cheerful tone.

"I thought you weren't coming,

instead, on an adventure on your own."

James gives her a grin

and throws an arm around her shoulder.

"I told Anjelique about the camp

and thought that I could show her."

Audrey wants to snap at him

and demand he made her go.

But where was her godawful right

to tell him to do so.

So it was with a heavy heart

that she turns her back on him,

and while she wasn't walking out his life

she wasn't doing it on a whim.

The scenes of them together:

oh 'tis making her fists clench.

She'd rather be alone and happy

than be a miserable friendless wench.


dedication: for SeargeantHagar,

idk man... why do you give this shite poetry a chance xD

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