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age: eleven

Audrey is alone,

and James is with Anjelique.

She wonders if he notices

as it had been a couple of weeks.

But then again why would he,

when he's so preoccupied

with the girl of his dreams

in his arms day and night?

Well, Audrey's exaggerating;

she wasn't really sure.

But if what she thought was happening

then this, she must endure.

For who knew what they're doing

without her by their side.

Once she'd already seen them,

and she had cried all night.

They were at the fair

and in the Ferris wheel;

as she did not have a partner

she was forced to play third wheel.

The cart screeched and lurched;

up and up they go,

Audrey could have fooled herself

thinking she was Juliette and he was Romeo.

They acted like she didn't exist;

and she was only hurt for the most part.

But the pain compared to when they had kissed

was like nothing to her aching heart.

Admittedly, it was an accident,

but what kind of excuse was that?

Their lips had touched and there was no mistaking

that she is has and she was had.

So it really was without a doubt

that James could not care less;

when his eyes are only for perfect Anjelique

and Audrey was just a mess.

And now Audrey is alone

and she will always be.

For what used to be a story of two

was now a story of 'me'.


dedication: for consteallations,

you give life to my poetry

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