Part 3

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"Oh hey Peri, what's up?" Amethyst said nonchalantly. Peridot shrieked and repeatedly hit a button on her controller.

"UGH! THESE CLODS JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP SPAWNING!" Amethyst tilted her head and smiled, amused. "WAIT! I HAVE TO GET TO THE BASE. WHERE IS IT OH MY STARS I CAN'T FIND IT - HA! THERE IT IS! NYEHEHEHEHE!" The screen displayed a door being shut and a view of Peridot's character running down some stairs to a well-lit room. She hit the pause button.

"AMETHYST! This software Steven calls 'Minecraft' is absolutely addictive! The controls are exceedingly simple, although they take some time getting used to, and the resolution is not quite the best, but survival! SURVIVAL MODE! WHAT DEVELOPER CLODS WOULD EXPECT ME TO COLLECT RESOURCES, BUILD A BASE, AND GATHER 'FOOD' IN THIS GAME WHILE DODGING THESE STRANGE OTHER CHARACTERS! I HAD TO RESPAWN COUNTLESS TIMES!" Amethyst just stared at her, munching on her cookies in awe as she listened to the angry gem's rant.

"Woah, hey, slow down there, Peri. Chill it, dude. Want a cookie?" Peridot seemed like she was on the verge of smashing the screen, but calmed down a bit and turned around.

"Well, I suppose I could take a break for now," she mumbled. Amethyst grinned and handed her a cookie.

"So, where are the others? Man, I must've been sleeping for a long time." Peridot looked at her questioningly.

"What is, 'sleeping'? And what do I do with this so-called 'cookie'? It doesn't look like a software file."

"Oh, um... never mind." Amethyst said, taking back the cookie. "Where's everyone else?"

Restart: A Pearlmethyst (Pearl × Amethyst) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now