My Saturday

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UGGGG my moms rule is that if we don't go to my sisters soccer games than we have to clean the house. So we do and after we go and watch a movie. When she comes home she gets mad and says that she never said we could watch movies when we were done.
Um excuse me. We just cleaned most of the house and your going to complain about how we missed a couple objects or places. 
And another thing! She gets mad at us because our bathroom is nasty/gross. SHE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT HER OWN BATHROOM!!! There's toothpaste, soap, tweezers, toothbrushes, medicine and stuff covering her counter. And then all we have is like a towel and toothpaste and she gets mad at us! OURS IS MORE CLEAN THEN YOURS!!! And then we have to clean BOTH bathrooms!!!! Why!
This is why I hate Saturdays! Everyone's just like "oh I get to go home and have fun!"
And my weekends are like "work, clean, shop, no electronics!"
Why are parents obsessed with having everything clean?!?!

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