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 "Baz! Baz wake up. It's time to get off the train." I say as I shake him gently by the shoulder.

"Five more minutes." he says groggily, turning away.

"Five more minutes my arse! Baz we're in London. We have to go the aquarium!"

"Okay, okay! I'm up." he says, taking my hand. I hoist him up, nearly pulling his arm out of his socket.

"Ow! Could you pull a little harder next time, Snow?" he says accusingly, rubbing his shoulder.

"Sorry, I won't pull as hard next time." I say, as I reach up to the overhead compartment and grab our packs.

I hand Baz his and we swing them onto our shoulders, like we're going on an adventure. In a way, I suppose we are. We're heading to the aquarium. And Baz is going to get me shaved ice, he promised on the train ride here.

Crowley, Baz is right. All I ever think about is food, if I think at all.

Baz and I made our way through the train, out onto the station. It's noisy and full of people. I just hope that Baz can keep his cool.

He squeezes my hand as we make our way through the crowds of people. People talking, yelling, laughing.


I still don't like to admit that I'm also a Normal. I still haven't gotten over the loss of my magick. Even though it's been almost two years. I miss it, and I still Skype with my magickal psychiatrist. One of the few in the world.

I sigh as one of the Normals trips over my forked tail and glares at a passerby, causing a heated argument. Baz chuckles softly behind me. It's a nice sound.

"Told you to tuck it in," he says admonishingly.

"And I told that it makes my trousers look funny," I replied, hailing a cab, "Besides, I know you love it." I say slyly, turning to wink at him.

The cab pulls up to us and the cabbie rolls down the window. He wordlessly gestures to the door. I look at Baz and he shrugs, a feeling of uneasiness settles in the pit of my stomach. Baz gets in the taxi, not wanting to leave him alone with the shady cabbie, I get in as well, stamping down my worry.

"Where do you want to go?" the cabbie asks, the first thing he's said. His voice sounds like gravel being grinded into dust and it makes me flinch.

"Sea Life, the aquarium. Over by the London Eye." Baz says, grabbing my hand gently and squeezing it reassuringly.

The cabbie wordlessly starts driving. He looks as if he's been carved out of stone. Whoever carved him, however, was a terrible sculptor. The cabbie looked like a caveman, his forehead jutting out too far to be natural, his dark beady eyes met mine in the mirror and I looked away quickly. His nose was bent several different ways and his teeth seemed to be too big for his mouth, making him look like he was perpetually leering.

"Are you Simon Snow? And Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch?" his leer deepened, his eyes shifting under the roof of his forehead.

"Boy have I got a special treat for the two of you!" he laughed loudly, and then suddenly the laughing turned into a wet and violent hacking. The cabbie wiped his mouth with his hand and it came away red.

Baz moved as quick as a flash, fire igniting within the palm of his hand, never quite touching his skin. He placed his left hand on the cabbie's neck, his right hand reaching for his wand.

"Who are you What do you want from us?" Baz asked him, a deadly undercurrent in his voice.

"WHO AM I? WHO AM I? I am nobody compared to single heir of the Pitch legacy!" the cabbie yelled at Baz, his voice hysterical and his eyes were bulging from their sockets, "I'm only someone who is an enemy of the Grimm's. And anyone foolish enough to associate themselves with them. And I want you dead."

The cabbie suddenly veered the taxi to the right, breaking through the metal barrier on the side of the road. 

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