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When we finished walking through the first exhibit, I saw the penguins. I put my face up to the glass like a child at the zoo, Baz is laughing at me, but I don't care.

"You must really like penguins." Baz says, chuckling.

"Yeah. People say they're always wearing tuxedos, but I rather think they look like you. Like a little bird Baz." I say thoughtfully, as a penguin close by squawks loudly. It startles Baz and he jumps. I let out a short laugh and Baz makes a face at me. He starts walking along the edge of the exhibit. I wave good bye to the penguins before I jog to catch up to Baz.

"What're going to see next?" I ask him, gesturing my hands in question.

"We're going to go through Shark Reef Encounter. But first, let's get some shaved ice, what flavor do you want?" he asks walking up to a stand and pulling a couple bills out of his wallet.

"Whatever flavor is blue," I say and pause, "You know how no one really says the actual flavor of shaved ice they want, just the color. I never stop to wonder, 'Hey, what actually is this flavor I'm eating?'. I just know that, 'Yep, it tastes like blue'."

"Simon, you're rambling," he says to me smiling, He hands me my blue shaved ice and eats his red one. "But it's okay, at least it's funny." We eat our shaved ice in silence until we come up to a sign that says 'SHARK REEF ENCOUNTER, WARNING: DO NOT TAP ON GLASS'.

"If the glass is really that unstable, why don't they reinforce it or something?" I turn and ask Baz.

"I don't know, maybe they just like to scare all the people who are afraid of water. Who are at the aquarium." he says, shrugging. I shrug back and we head into the exhibit.

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