Meeting the Brothers

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Landon ~pov~!

I can't believe Void took of on me yesterday! She so better be happy I only got a warning for the beats she gave or I would never talk to her.

I go to my locker to get my books for 1mod. language arts,and suddenly someone huggs me from behind.

" Im so so so so so so sorry about bailing on you yesterday."

Oh its Void im still debaiting wherther I should forgive her for running out on me .

" That was such a bitch move you pulled yesterday you know that right." I said as I turned to face her.She looked at me with the saddist puppie dog eyes ever,I sighed. " Okey I forgive you but only this once ,so never pullthat crap again."

Void squeeled loudly causing some unwanted attinution from others in the hall.

" Thank you ! I don't know what I would do with out my new best friend."

I laugh. " Im sure you could mange."

" Naaaaan I would be utterly lonely with out ya. After yesterday I got people quackin in the shoes with one look." Void smiles and winks at me gosh this girls got spunk!

" I bet you do."

" Oh yeah I was wondering if after school you'd want to came over to my house to hag. I also want you to meet my big broz."

Meeting Voids brothers how eventful for a thuresday afternoon.

"Ok I just have to let my  mom know k?"

" Sure see you after school meet me by my car its' in the third row black JAG."

" Holy crap you  got a jag?"

Void smirked" Damn straight!"



Im waiting by Voids amazing car waiting for her to show .

" Ready to go?" I jump in supurise to see Void standing to my left how in the heck does she sneek up on people like that!

" Fuck you scared me !" I yelled

" Why thank you now get in we have a long way to go."

She unlocked the door and we got in an started on our way.

'1 hour latter'

I must have dozed of because I hear Void tell me to get my drouling butt up cause we are here.

I open my eyes to see that we are in a thickly wooded area, and in front of use stands this huge gorgeous cabin. Its two stories  tall on the second store theres a beautiful walk on pattiow with what looks like it has a jacuzzi on it.

" Stop gouking and come on!"

She grabbs my wirst and practicly drags me up the wooden stair that lead to the door. She thows open the door and then yells.

" Zane, Paul,Chase I have a friend I want ya'll to meet so get down here no!."

" Damattero!" (shut up) A very sexy voice called from up the long path of stairs that led to the second floor.

"What?" I asked Void

"We all speak three languages Zane just spoke japanese." She explained


" NO you  now get down here and stop being rude you baka!"

" Ok don't get your thong in a wad" A different but equally deep and sexy voice called this time.

Then three of the most gorgeous guys come walking down the stairs . They were like sex gods all of then were well toned with muscule How do I know this you ask they are all shirt less. The sight alone can make a boy faint they all had the same carmel skin and black hair,but they each had features that made them hot. A different one had a beauty mark right on the left side of his lip, and one of his eyes was crimson the other dark blue. Another brother had a bow shaped lips and a lip peircing ,one of his eyes were mossy green other crimson. The last brother though was the most mezmorizing his hiar was a little long then the first two he also looked a couple of years older then me. One of his eyes were solid blask that seemed endless the other crimson but a different kind them the other two his glowed unnaturally so.His ear was also peirced a silver cross wrapped in thorn veins hung from it.

"  Landon I would like for you to meet Chase, Paul and Zane."

Chase was blue eye Paul green Zane black.

Chase said "sup."

Paul "welcome."

Zane  "my heart."

What ? Did he just call me my heart I looked him dead in the eye. I have one word for you' love' I think im in love I've found my perfect man I could look into his eyes forever.






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