The News

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I wonder what they have to tell me? Is it so important that they all have to look like someone stepped on their new puppy?  We all left the game room and walked down the long hallway in silence, and it was killing me!

" So why are all of you so quite and serious all of a sudden?" I asked

Void shot me a meaningful look and said. " Hush!  Just be patient what we have to tell you is very important ."

"You don't have to be so snappy who stuck a donut in your pudding." I mumbled .

Zane, Paul, and Chase all stared to chuckle at that, but Void had the cutest pout on her face that make her look like an upset 3 year old.

" You that's who! You stupid hod knocked!" she yelled and stomped ahead of us.

" Well for your info. I don't fornicate with animals." I said smirking as the rest of the guys busted out in full blown laughter now.

" You say that now." Void said giggling a bit. What the heck was that suppose to mean does she think I want to go fuck rabbits or something?

Void stopped in front of a huge black door on the right side of the hall. She pushes it open and im in awe this office beast!!!

In the center sits a long oak wood brown table 8 seats in total at it. the carpet is a plush dark green hanging on the left wall is a huge touch screen computer and the back wall is a gaint stain glass window with black drapes. There is a rather large desk in the right corner of the office that was covered in papers and a rather expensive looking laptop sitting on it. There were also pictures of void and her brother hanging on the walls everywhere. 

" Well are you just going to stand there and gock." Zane whispered close to my ear his hot breath making me shiver. I turned to look up at Zane and was rewarded with the sexiest smirk on this earth, I could help but smile. Then I asked myself what was this strange pull I felt towards him ?

" Hey can we please focuses!!!" Void said very impatiently.

Zane signed and closed his beautiful black and crimson eyes and walked forwarded into the office and took a seat at the table. Chase and Paul also took their seats Void still stood, but I sat next to Zane. He looked really nervous and that worried me to an existent.

*Zane POV*

I think I'm about to loose control this beautiful boy my blood mate, the savior of my race the blood fay . He's everything I could have wanted he's funny, charming , kind , and over all cute!  With his longish midnight black hair his gem stone green eyes, his pink kissable pierced lips, he has a slim body with little muscle, and his flawless cream color skin. He was absolutely yummy!!

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.

" Okay enough can someone please tell me so we can get this over with!" My Landon yelled looking very fidgety.

I slowly turn and smile at him. " Landon....... you have noticed how strong Void is right like super strong for a girl or human for that matter right?

He slowly nodded his head his green eyes still full of confusion.

" Well have you ever wondered why?"

" Um...... not really well I my have thought she was on steroids."

That made me give a little chuckle Void just pouted but said nothing.

"No she"s not on steroids she doesn't have a mustache." I said trying to contain my laughter.

" I don't know I think I see a couple of hairs above her lip." Chase said smiling which got him slapped in the back of the head by Void.

" Will ya'll shut up and be serious for to damn seconds!" Void yelled eyes blazing.

I sign she's right. " Landon we aren't like normal people  we're a bit special .... as you can see our eyes aren't normal our looks aren't normal." I pause and stared into his eyes and lean my face closer to his I notice his breath has quickend as I got closer this pleases me .

" Landon do you feel our connection to each other." I whispered in his face as I saw his eye glaze over with lust.

" Yes." He whispered back. Hearing his sweet voice filled with lust made me forget everyone else in the office my brothers and sister.

" We are ancient Blood Fay almost the last of our kind  you are our chosen one the life of our survival My Blood Mate . When we mate and exchange our blood when we mate fertilization with return to my people, oh and did I minchin I'm king." I said in a rush.

Landon's eyes where wide with disbelief but the lust was still their. That was it the  last of my control snapped I grabbed him him by his thin shoulders and roughfuly pressed my lips to his. I moaned umm I'm in heaven!


sorry peoplez I haven't uploaded in a while I've have alot going on my family had just found out my grandpa has cancer and taking care of him has been taking up most of my time but I will try to upload more often . But im not making any promises.




FONDLE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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