Chapter 3

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A week passes...

Ashley sits on her couch watching whatever happens to be on tv when something catches her attention it was screaming, but from where? she gets up and looks and walks to the door when she heard it again she quickly made her way out the door bare foot following the blood curling scream. It lead her to the forest a few blocks from her house. She cautiously made her way through the wooded area when she spotted a boy in a girl his arm wrapped around her waist as he kissed her neck tear rolled down her face.

'Isn't this suppose to be an passonate moment why is she crying. ' she thought. Looking closer she noticed the blood running down the struggling girl neck he wasn't kissing her he was drain her blood. Soon the girl body became limp and fell to the floor with a loud thud. He smirks revealing fangs.

"A vampire. " she thought until she noticed a white mist leaving the girl corpse and going into him she gasps.

"A...a demon." She stuttered backing up even though she was an angle she didnt know if ahe was strong enough to fight against a demon she continued to back up accidentally stepping on a branch breaking it even though the sound was small he heard she quickly dove into the nearest bush hiding praying that he didn't see her. For a moment it was silent then the bush she was hiding under was ripped out the ground but no one was under it he looked confused.


I knew he was coming so I took a run for it my feet wasn't going to stop I didn't attempt to even look back I've seen what happens to the blonde girl in scary movies I wasn't going to be like them I didn't stop running until I was home I frantically unlocked the door practically leaping in my house and slamming the door behind me I slid down the nearest wall panting like I'd just run a marathon.

"What did I just witnesses? Why did I run? I'm so weak" they're was suddenly a loud banging at the door I started at the door worried that he came for me.

"Ashley you ok?" I was relieved to hear Samantha voice. I got up and opened the door pulling her in.

"You okay?"

"Y...yeah, but can you stay the night with me?" Her face lite up at my question

"Omg yesssssssssss come on let's go watch scary movie."

"Don't you have to ask your parents?"

"Nah they won't mind." She pulled me upstairs without another word.

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