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You looked around at the plane standing in front of you. This is my new home, you thought. My new, flying home. You and Skye had just finished packing up your stuff from your van and are practically ready to move into the plane. You picked up the last box and took one last good look at what was your only refuge for several years. You sigh. A man walked out to take it away. You are still in such a trance, remembering all of the good times you had in that thing with your best friend, that you barely hear her say, "Hey, no joy rides, okay? That's our house."

The worker puts a black pyramid-shaped thing that you will probably never understand the functions of, on the hood. You can't help but lean over to Skye and ask, "Where do they think of this stuff?"

"I know right?" The two of you then enter the plane and embark on the first day of your new lives.

As you approach the entrance to the lab, Fitz-Simmons exits the doors. Simmons greets you. "Oh, Agent Coulson told us the news. What a wonderful surprise. Isn't is Fitz?"

"Yeah. Yeah, a surprise."

"No, it's wonderful. You two must be very excited." These two are a little bit too cheerful to be genuinely excited that we are joining their team, you think. "Yep, the first day of school." You drop the box you were carrying into Fitz's arms a bit harshly.

"Okay, so... just -- sorry. Yeah." Simmons apologizes as she passes by you, leading the tour quite awkwardly.


"Officially, it's an airborne mobile command station. But we call it the bus. We find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger." Okay, you take it back. This is your new 'airborne mobile command station' home.

"Yeah, we've been up here before, but we didn't see much because of the bags that Agent Ward put over our heads." You have to admit, you still wasn't over the whole kidnap-them-and-then-expect-them-to-cooperate tactic.

Simmons attempts to apologize for his actions. "Yes, so sorry about that." She grabs two bottles of water off a nearby table and offers them to you. "Water?"


Over the sound system, you hear Agent May's voice announce, "Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it."

"What's that mean?" Skye asks the obvious question on your minds.

"No backing out now." What?! You're definitely not cut out for this. "Let's find bunks for our guests."

Fitz pipes up. "Oh, oh, yeah, there's only two left and they are right next to mine." He runs ahead of your group and plops the box down on the bed. Out of breath, he stands there as you walk up to claim the bunk before realizing what you trying to do and quickly getting out of the way. You set down my bags and sat on the bed, signaling to Skye that you had chosen it as yours and she had to take the other one. She groaned loudly and stomped off to her own.

You are just starting to unpack when you hear a knock coming from the other side of the wall. You turn around to see none other than Grant Ward. Thinking that he wanted her, Skye walks up too. You take this as an opportunity to possibly fix the already terrible relationship that you had. "Hey. I know we didn't really--"

He cuts you off, handing you a pamphlet before walking away. "Might want to read that. This isn't like other planes."

You open the pamphlet, looking at the big map on the inside of the pamphlet. Skye looks over your shoulder. "Whoa, you can say that again."

"Say what again?" Coulson happened to have been walking by.

"Sweet ride."

"I earned a little good will from Director Fury when I got hit right before the Battle of New York."

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