Chapter 14

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"Hey Vivi i'm back." I said throwing my keys on the side table. I walked into the livingroom and saw another head siting on the couch. I walked closer and saw the person I desired the most yet didn't want to see. "Oh my Jesus get out Daniel." Vivi looked at me in relief and ran to my room locking herself in there. "Why is she so afraid of me?" Daniel asked confused and I shrugged.

"Just leave Daniel I don't want to see you right now." I know he said that he only wanted me but that doesn't change the fact that Nicole is still around wanting to bring back the past. "Gracie please just listen to me this once." He said.

"Daniel I need to think, I will text you when I'm ready to talk." He was a bit satisfied with my answer and looked at me. "I'm sorry." He said before he walked out. I don't know what he is sorry about since he didn't do anything. I threw myself on the couch and sighed.

"Boys." I heard someone say in the kitchen and I jumped turning around. "Oh mom! How long have you been her" I asked.

"I passed you when you left, I said hi but you didn't even look at me." She said walking next to me then sitting down. "Sorry." I said laying my head on her lap and she played with my hair. "It's okay, just talk to me about your boy troubles. I happen to be the love doctor." She said and we giggled.

"Well Doctor, it started when I went to the party with the girls..." I told her the whole Story and she stared at me with a blank expression. "I have no idea whether to be outraged with him or just happy for you since you found love." She said, her eyes burning into mines.

"Well I'll leave you to think about it." I got up and walked into the bathroom ready for my shower. I really needed one now.

The next morning I got ready for work. Gosh i'm going to be so distracted. I think I'm going to talk to Daniel today though I can't stand having this weight on my shoulders so I decided to text him after my shift.

I got to work going to the register playing on my phone for a bit since there weren't any customers today. Come on this is Starbucks it should be flooding with people. "Hey girl." I turned shocked to see that Audrie has the same shift as me for once. "Oh hey." I said.

"You seem off today, what's up?" She sat on the counter looking at me. "A lot, I'll tell you later. I can't talk about it now plus my mom and Vivi are leaving today and I need to talk to Daniel." I replied. "Okay cool, new customer." She said hopping off the counter going to the kitchen area waiting for the order to pop up on the screen and putting the drive thru microphone on.

The whole day was full of me being distracted and not doing things right. I had to ask the customers to repeat their order about three times. I finally get to go home. I jumped into my car getting my phone out.

Me: Come to my place at 6.

Daniel: Okay no problem.

I sighed putting my phone away.


"I'm going to miss you guys." I said. "Me too sweet pea." My mom said and I cringed. "Sweet pea is off the list." She said laughing and I nodded. "Vivi, be good to mom. I'm going to miss you kiddo."

"I'll miss you too Gracie, be careful with Daniel." She said and I nodded. "I know he won't hurt me." Physically at least, I don't know what the future holds.

"I will trust you on this, call me if anything happens, actually call me daily and fill me in." She said and I laughed. "You do know I'm the older one right?" I asked and slapped her lightly.

Later Again

I layed on my couch waiting for Daniel. I told Anna if she can go out for a bit so I can talk to Daniel so she went to Mason's apartment. I heard a knock on the door and quickly got up speed walking to it.

I opened it looking at Daniel with his hands in his pockets. "Come in." I stepped aside to let him in. He stood there while I closed the door. Well he finally learned some manners. "You can sit down." I said going into the kitchen grabbing two water bottles.

I sat next to him on the couch throwing the water which he caught perfectly. "So start talking boy." I said and he cracked a smile. "So me and Nicole had a past. Keyword past. I will admit that I loved her but even though the feeling is kinda there, I know that if I had to choose between you and her it would be you. I might be a fighter, a druggy, and not your type but I want to know if you will still except me for who I am. I know I will change one day and maybe you will be the one to do that. Gracie you mean the world to me now and I know I am a dangerous man but I would do anything to be with you. It hasn't been long but I know it's you. God I sound like a sappy romantic." Daniel look straight into my eyes.

"I-I know what you are." I said not looking at him. "Then say it, say it out loud."

"Vampire." We looked at eachother and burst out laughing. "Well continuing the Twilight dialogue proves you are worthy." I'm not going to even ask why a "hardcore" guy like him watches Twilight but I will just let it be. Plus that addition to his little speech was perfect for it.

"So..." Daniel waited for my answer.

I answered. I don't know of I made a mistake but I know I don't regret it.

Not so big of a cliffhanger but still Cliffhangerrrrr. I think I will end it soon not the next chapter or the one after that but soon child. Anyways love you all I will update soon kisses.


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