Chapter 20

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The guy that was in the room first quickly uncuffed me and helped me up. "What's going on here?" I asked. The second man stepped forward and the light hit his face.

"Kevin?...UNCLE KEVIN!" I shouted and ran to him giving him a big hug. Before my dad left my family and I, Kevin always use to come over but he disappeared, two months later my dad left.

"Where have you been?! I was so worried!" I said pulling away, he was my favorite uncle. "I have been here. Let's go upstairs I have a lot of explaining to do." He said leading me out of the dark room and upstairs to his office. Let me just say that this is a huge mansion, I don't understand how he can afford it.

His office was huge, yet it only had a medium sized desk, three chairs and a large cushioned desk chair on the other side. There was a bunch of space to walk around, it's probably bigger then my whole apartment. I took a seat on one of the three chairs while my uncle sat on the other side. I feel like we are at a meeting. "So I should really start from the beginning." He stated and leaned over the desk a little bit.

"I'm going to be a bit blunt. Your mom was one of our hostages who then had Stockholm syndrome, for your dad of course, it was basically a love story of its own. Anyways They ended up getting together and later Loretta got pregnant with you. They wanted a life together without all the gang stuff so they moved to Seattle, away yet close to us. Your-" I cut him off.

"Does Viviana know about this?" I asked and he shook his head. "She's not ready to know yet." He stated and continued with his story.

"Your father was the leader and I was second in command so I was left in charge. Later, I'm pretty sure you were about 4 years old I went to visit and that visit lasted for a while, 3 years. While I was gone I left the most loyal member of the gang in charge, which was the duffus that was scaring you downstairs. I should have known he wouldn't last more then 4 years as leader because we ended up getting robberies, and our men getting killed. So when I went back I tried to control things but to my surprise this whole situation was caused by one man. I thought it would be simple to clear it up but he is very slick. After a while the killing continued but the robberies were decreasing. I knew that the only way to stop this whole thing is if I called up your dad so I did. Your dad came and fixed everything, but he thought that you guys would hate him and not accept him for being gone so long and leaving without explanation.-" I cut him off again.

"I would never hate him!" I said and I can hear my voice cracking. I can't cry right now. "That's what I told him but he wouldn't listen." He continued once again.

"He stayed here in Los Angeles and everything was in control and we haven't heard from that one man for a while. Later on you came here. It was a shock to all of us but your dad didn't want to bring you near the gang house or me because he didn't want to make you suspicious that he and I were in the same place. Everything was going fine until your father was killed. Everything went into chaos and we were frantically looking for the killer."

"But why did you kidnap me? Why am I here?"

"You are here to help us catch the killer." He said calmly leaning over his desk even more.

"How would I help? Who is the killer?" My brain was going crazy which would explain all the question. The next thing he said left me to die inside and outside. I was left frozen and in shock.

"Daniel Skye killed your father."

HELLO LOVELY READERS!! Yes Daniel is the killer, so sorry, but hey gotta add some drama. I have lots of books ideas going on in my head rn. Okay gotta blast!


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