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Caveman to Modern Man: Equality between men, society, and the locker rooms.

Men, guys, boys, males. This week I want to bring up a subject that is not typical nor popular, the inequality and equality of men, not the equality between men and women but men alone. I do believe that gender equality is something we need to work on but we'll save that for another article.

From the beginning of mankind (Man is even in the word "Man"kind.) Males have been considered caretakers of the family, breadwinner, protector, head honcho, leader. Men were expected to be strong and tough, emotionless and proud.

The world and it's ideals have changed many times, but men still struggle with the many expectations and stereotypes that our society provides. I read an article in my local paper explaining that women in this day and age are actually more successful than their male counterparts, women are now running businesses, households, companies. Acting as the main breadwinner, and are not marrying until their late thirties or not marrying at all.

So why is the success rate for women higher? The writer of that article mentioned that boys are growing up without fathers and respectful male influences in their lifes, and that most males between the ages of 15 to 25 will end up incarcerated at least once in their life.

Another thing that is finally being recognized is the inequality between men. In high school, in workplaces, in the locker rooms and bathrooms. Men are turning against each other, making everything, from strength to size to women to money, a competition.

There's a lot of fighting and sizing each other up, and I don't have to remind you of the terribly cliché but still very true fact that "Smart kids" And "Nerds" get picked on. It's still something that happens and it's because the weaker the guy, the worse the bullying.

I cannot fathom why it is still a stereotype that makes us believe that being small, tall, lanky, weird, or different, gives someone the right to take advantage of that. In guy world the bullying is ten times worse than what we think.

So with all these new facts and statistics coming to light how can we change the path our males are directed towards? How we teach our young men to love and respect not only others but themselves as well?

We have to teach them about being smart not only in school but common sense, we have to stop teaching then to be manly and tough, stop all the comparing and locker room talk. Let's change all this.

Now I have to ask you all a question... What is one male stereotype you'd like to see gone?

Thanks guys and keep fighting!

Weekly Question Mag September 29thWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt