Chapter Four ~ Kara Zor-El

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Oliver's Point Of View

"That still doesn't tell me who they are." said this girl in blue leather and a red cape. She had some sort of "S" on her chest.

"I'm Oliver Queen, this is Laurel Lance, Felicity Smoak, and my sister, Thea." I said. "Are you here to help us too? I've never seen you before. Are you from around here?"

"Not exactly..." She said. "My name is Kara Danvers, and I'm from... another Earth." She explained. "If I don't get back home soon, it will be destroyed."

"Okay, but Kara, maybe the time is different here like it was on your Earth." Cisco said. "like how when Barry was stuck in your world, we thought he was gone for two seconds when he was really gone for two days."

"Okay, I'm totally confused." Laurel said. "Is she here to help us stop Zoom or not?"

"Yes, I'm here to help." Kara replied. "But as soon as we defeat this Zoom guy, we're going to find a way to get me back to my Earth."

Cisco's Point Of View

I started toward Kara and put my hand on her shoulder. "Well, maybe we can-" all of a sudden I'm in a place that looks like Earth. Is this Kara's Earth? I thought. I turned around to see a blue girl, a man with a symbol similar to Kara's on his chest, and a girl with short hair that seemed to be in a kind of trance.

"Now that my niece, Kara, is out of the way, we can begin taking over the world." The man said.

"We must keep Myriad working, or else Alex and that Green Martian Jon Jones will try and stop us." The blue girl said.

All of a sudden, I was back in S.T.A.R Labs.

"Ramone, what did you see?" Harry asked me.

"What do you mean 'what did he see?'" Kara asked.

"Who's Alex?" I asked.

Kara stood up. "My sister." She said. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know. I saw this blue woman. She had some girl on all black in some kind of trance. Does that mean anything to you?" I asked her. She nodded and hung her head like she didn't want to hear the news anymore.

She looked up. "Was anyone else there? What did the place you were in look like?" Kara asked vigorously. Apparently, she did want to know more.

"I saw a man. He wore a symbol on his chest that's as similar to yours, but he was wearing all black. The place I was in was all black and looked like some sort of prison, maybe?"

"Oh no this isn't good." Kara said. "That blue woman you saw was named Indigo. The man that you saw is Non. They're both aliens. The place that they're in is called Fort Rozz. It's a maximum security prison for alien criminals."

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