Chapter Six~Multiverse Dream Team

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Barry's POV

I was pacing back and forth across the platform in the middle of the room, anxiously watching Cico and Felicity trying to track Zoom, but finding nothing.

"Relax Barry, we'll find him." Felicity was saying.

"I know." I said. "But I just can't shake the feeling that he's out there, doing something awful to the city while we're here, trying to find him."

"How about this," Kara said. "We go back to wherever you live, Barry, and get something to eat on the way there, because I'm starving." We both laughed in response.

"Okay, I'll take you to Joe's house, and we can go to Jitter's and get some coffee." I replied, feeling better.

------------Time Skip-------------

When we got to Jitter's, Iris greeted us with pleasure. "Hey, guys. You two on some sort of date?"

"What? Noooo." Kara said awkwardly.
"Barry was just going to show me some places in Central City where I could stay, and we decided to stop by for some coffee."

"Well," Iris said, "What can I get you guys?"

"Two Flashes please." I said. I could tell she wanted to try it, but she didn't want to ask.

"What did you get that for?" She asked as Iris joined us. "I mean, I almost got killed trying to stop a meta human that could turn herself into electricity last time we saw each other, so it couldn't have been easy." She said with a small laugh.

"I actually got it for stopping a singularity over the city after the Reverse-Flash got erased from existence." She looked at me in confusion. "My world is way weirder than yours." I said with a laugh at the look on her face.

When we finished our coffee she asked, "Do you want me to... ya know?" She made a flying motion with her hands, trying not to give anything away to any other customers.

"Sure." I said, Iris and I both trying to hide our snickers. "I'll show you where it is." We said bye to Iris and walked to the alleyway near the coffee shop. She grabbed my waist and took off. It looked amazing. When I pointed out Joe's house, we landed in the trees in the back of the house, then came around the front.

"So," I said, "This is where I live, uh... you can have Iris's old room down at the end of the hallway." She looked around upstairs, found the room, and looked around with her super speed. Then we went to the precinct. When we got there, I led her to Joe's desk.

"Hey, Joe." I said, giving him a hug. "This is Kara Danvers." She held her hand out and Joe shook it. I guess Kara was watching her strength, because Joe didn't pull back.

"Hey Barry. Nice to meet you Kara." Joe told her. Then, he pulled me aside. "I've never seen her in the city before." He said, confused. "Is she from around here?" He asked.

"She's from another Earth, if that's what you mean." I replied. "She's kind of... uh..... stranded here. I met here on an Earth that Cisco likes to call Earth S. She'll help us stop Zoom, then we'll get her home so that her Earth doesn't get destroyed by her uncle." I explained quickly so that he didn't freak out if she was one of Zoom's henchmen.

"Okay, then." Joe said with a little confusion on his face. We walked back over to Kara.

Kara's POV

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