Chapter Five~The Arrow Cave

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Oliver's Point of View
"Maybe we should go to back to the our place." Felicity said. I knew what she meant by 'our place". She meant the Arrow Cave. Everyone looked around at each other, then looked at Kara and Barry. They looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's do it." Kara said. "Just one question. Where is it??"

"We'll show you." Laurel said. "Just fly behind us." Kara nodded in understanding. We were all already into our suits, so we just got on our motorcycles.

"I can fly Cisco and Caitlyn there." Kara offered.

"As much as I'd love to see all of Star City from above, I really don't want to end up hurling my lunch on an unsuspecting plane or bird." Cisco replied, receiving at chuckle from Barry and Caitlyn.

"Same here." Caitlyn retorted. Caitlyn, Cisco, and Felicity got each got on one of our bikes, while Barry and Kara got ready to take off. As they got ready, Kara said, "Race ya."

Barry looked at her and said, "Think you can keep up, Girl of Steel?" I don't know why he called her that.

"Oh, just you watch Scarlet Speedster." She replied. They both laughed like they've done this before. "Just like old times." Kara said under her breath.

"Just remember to stay behind us so that you don't get lost." I said.

"Okay." Kara nodded as she got in what I assumed was her take off position.

"Ready.." Barry said.
"Set.." Kara said. We started up our bikes.
"...Go!" Barry yelled. We all took off, Barry running right behind us and Kara above us. When we were just outside the city limit, Barry stopped, making everyone else do the same and Kara hovered to a landing position.

"Just so that you don't freak everyone out, you should probably start running now." Barry told Kara. He was right, people might get more than a little freaked out when they see a flying girl following the Green Arrow and The Flash.

    —-------Time Skip-------—

Once we got back to the 'arrow cave' as Felicity likes to call it, everyone walked out of the elevator in awe. Kara was still in amazement that she was even in the elevator, and came out a little later than everyone else.

"Wow." Barry said. "Nice new digs." He looked at me. "Also I just noticed, no sleeves. Don't you get.... cold?"

"I spent the better part of five years on an island in the North China Sea, I don't get cold Barry." I replied as if it was obvious. Kara was still in the back of the group, still near the elevator, looking at our equipment. We went up near the computers where Dig was and said hi to him. Kara came up with us, Dig, seeing her, pulled out his gun. "Move Oliver, someone followed you guys here." Kara just looked at him, confused. Dig shot her, making a mistake. Kara walked up to him. By the time he was out of bullets, she was right in front of him. He looked at her in disbelief.

"Dig, relax. She's just a friend." Barry explained. "She's here to help us stop Zoom."

"Hi, I'm Kara Danvers, nice to meet you." She held out her hand. He shook it, but pulled back almost immediately. "Sorry, that's the second time today." She said, smiling sheepishly.

"I-it's okay." He stuttered, rubbing his hand.

"You guys sure do have a cool place." She stated

"Thanks." Felicity said.

"I can tell you that it's definitely not as cool as the D.E.O.  though." She replied.

"Oh, yeah, I can second that." Barry said.

"The D.E.O. ??" Thea asked.

"It's the government organization that I work with that tracks and captures rouge aliens back on my Earth." She replied.

"Wait, did you just say aliens?" Dig asked, a look of obvious surprise on his face.

"Yes." Kara sighed. She straightened up. "I'm an alien, I'm also from another Earth and came here by accident. Once we stop Zoom, I'm going to try to figure out a way to get home." She explained rapidly. She looked around the room once more. "Could I look around? This place is pretty cool."

"Sure." Felicity answered.

"Just be careful." I added. She started wandering around. As she passed the bomb arrows, she started doing the same thing that she did in the Cortex of S.T.A.R. Labs, she collapsed, coughing up blood. It was like she was suffocating. "Kara!" I ran to help her, hopping over the railing to get to her faster. Naturally, Barry, got to her first. He looked over her, then looked up at the bombs.

"That's never happened before." Dig said. All of a sudden, she passed out. Barry ran her to the lower level where all of our hospital equipment was, laying her down on the table.

"Damnit!" He muttered under his breath. "Someday I will find every last bit of Kryptonite and destroy it, you know that?" He looked at Kara, as if pleading her to wake up. Apparently, his pleads were granted. Kara shot up off of the table, gasping for breath. "What happened" she asked between breaths.

"You were exposed to Kryptonite." Felicity said, the concern clear in her voice.

"Can someone please fill me in on what's happening?" Dig asked, really confused.

"Let me do it. From the beginning."Kara said just as Barry opened his mouth. "When I was a child, my planet Krypton was dying. I was sent to my Earth to protect my cousin, Kal-El, who was a baby at the time..."

(915 words!) I can't believe that I'm almost home!! I'm in Tennessee!! I was camping for the past month with my grandparents and my cousins. It was amazing!! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but I haven't had a lot of time. I promise to update when I can, but I won't have that much time. I just turned 13 and we're going out when we get back. Don't forget to like and comment!!

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