Chapter 2

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  --an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.  


Laisser looked to me with his grey eyes. The small flecks of gold seemed to glow as they met my green orbs. My eyes were locked on him. I didn't dare to move for fear of death and the unknown. I shifted where I stood ever so slowly; I hoped he didn't notice.

I was wrong. He approached me with his boots clicking on the wood. I backed up a few steps. Without a word he stopped. He looked at me with piercing eyes that held curiosity. He took another step towards me as if testing me. I backed up once more.

"Are you scared?" his voice was a choir of angels on its own. It was calm with worry in it. I barely caught the hints of care he gave in his question.

The inability to speak at the moment made me frustrated. I grunted under my breath and waited.

"You are," Laisser said like he knew what I had said even though I had said nothing. "I don't understand why."

I gulped as he began to approach me one last time. My heart was beating in my ears. I didn't move back-I couldn't-a wall like thing kept me from doing so.

His right hand reached out for my chin. I flinched when his cold fingers traced my jawline. I closed my eyes but snapped them back open when he stopped. Laisser's eyes were locked on my lips. His thumb came up to my bottom lip and rubbed it slowly. My lips parted as he traced it. His eyes were half lidded like I had said that they usually were.

He smiled. It was affectionate and kind. I just looked up at him as he leaned forward. But before he could reach my lips he stopped.

"You're shaking," Laisser said quietly. I hadn't even noticed. He was right. Everything from my hands to my legs was shaking. "I don't understand you creatures," he said simply.

I laughed as he retreated his hand from my chin. "I don't either." My heart still raced, but some of me was disappointed that he stopped. 

When my eyes finally fluttered open the sun was already up. I rose slowly rubbing my eyes. I hadn't expected to wake up. It had always been a type of nightmare. But that was when I had been in that Hell hole. Waking up didn't really scare me now that I knew I was out of there.

I threw my legs over the side of the mattress and sighed loudly. The sky was bright grey. That was normal for this place.

I stood up quickly and my legs wobbled. "Ugh . . . how I hate being light headed," I muttered. I made my way over to the lightened bathroom.

It was all white with white linoleum and a white counter top, white toilet, white bathtub, white cabinets, but cream walls. I never understood my parents' way of decorating. Little green frogs sat on the counter-my Mom's obsession-in a way that made it look like they were staring at me. I turned them around so they weren't watching my every move. Instead they were watching the wall; that's better.

I turned to face myself in the mirror above the sink. My dark hair was tangled and the dark marks under my eyes were beginning to go away. That was a plus at least. My tattered black jacket had seen better days. My green eyes were dull to me. I smiled a fake smile. I had seen better smiles. My teeth were still white; thank God. My corners of my mouth tuned back down into a frown.

My hands searched the shelves of the cabinet for a brush. I felt a comb instead. I picked it up and combed out the knots.

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