Chapter 11

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past tense: trapped; past participle: trapped



I couldn't get the motivation to roll out of bed when I actually did wake up. I stretched many times under the cold blankets and growled under my breath. The light streaming through the window seemed to tell me to stay put. I finally opened my eyes fully and peered around the room.

She was gone once again.

I sighed and covered my face. She couldn't have gone far. She's too smart to go outside at night. So she must be somewhere in the church. The question is, where in the church?

"Alright, Rache, your game of hide-and-seek is about to come to an end." I sat up and flung my legs over the side of the bed. "Ready or not, here I come, Mon amour." I stood, faltered for a second, and made my way over to the door.

As I always had, I smirked at the door knob. Damien had made all the doorknobs brass or silver for our sake. He had demon proofed the whole place in less than six months. I watched him do it.

I pulled the door open and stepped through slowly. I glanced right then left. There she was. Her back was against the door and her eyes were closed against her knees. A smiled tugged at my lips.

I paced over to her and kneeled. My right hand extended involuntarily to move a strand of hair out of her face. It went back to its place easily. I stayed next to her, admiring her features. She looked so peaceful when she slept. It was quite a change from the grimace she'd often come to wear. Maybe today I could get her to wear a smile all day.

Rachel shifted in her position and I moved back. Her entire face was now exposed to me. Her lips parted and she whimpered quietly. My heart began to beat faster as my mind wandered to what she could be dreaming about. I wanted to believe that she was dreaming about me.

"That's insane," I whispered sitting back on the floor. But maybe. I raised my eyes up to her. Maybe she is. I crawled over to her slowly. Can she see me? Is she thinking of me?

I caught myself and sank back down onto my knees in front of her. My head hung low as I mentally lectured myself. I stared down at my hands which were resting on my thighs.


My head snapped up at the sound of her voice. Her hair was resting on her shoulders in perfect little curls, her eyes were still wary of where she was, and the confused expression on her face sent a jolt of electricity through my spine.

"Did you see the cloaked man too?" She asked in a hushed whisper.

I cocked an eye brow at her and she shook her head—those curls tangling together.

Her eyebrows creased and those green orbs wandered to her right. "It must have been a dream."

I nodded. "Come on. Let's get you something to eat."

She willingly stood and followed me down the hall to the 'cafeteria'. We passed my door and she stopped for a short second. I turned and noticed her studying the number carefully. Rachel looked it up and down then turned and continued to walk. I went alongside her. We reached the turn off in a few steps and she slowed her pace. I slowly flipped around to face her again. She stared in the direction we were to go with a slight horror. Her eyes looked beyond me.

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