Oh shit!

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I paced my bedroom floor with the blanket wrapped around my body while he sat at the edge of my bed putting his socks on. I couldn't remember what the fuck happened last night.

"So, did we like have sex?"

"Probably nigga! Why else would I be butt ass naked with you laying next to me?" I stood in front of him and placed my hands over my head.

"And you're fucking married! This is great. Just great."

"Calm down. I'm pretty sure it wasn't that bad." I was about ready to knock the smirk off of his damn face.

I ran into my master bathroom and rummaged thru the garbage. I found nothing so I ran back into my bedroom and ran thru that garbage too.

"So we didn't use a condom?" I looked back at him as he stood up ready to walk out the door. I ran in front of him and stood in front of the door so he couldn't open it. "Bruh you didn't use a fucking condom."

"Ok Desire. You said that already. I have a headache thou, so if you would stop yelling, that would be perfect. Damn." He rubbed his temples and I opened the door. I walked out with him following behind me going into my kitchen.

I took the Advil bottle out of my cabinet and the orange juice container out of the fridge. Taking two glasses out, I poured juice in both of them. I turned to see him sitting at the bar.

"Here take this." I slid him the Advil container and handed him a glass of juice." I watched him down the pill and sip on the drink. His lips were the perfect shade of chocolate. And he had these deep waves like he'd been working on them all his life. His eyes were a dark brown and his skin was so chocolaty. Hell, I ain't even mad I got it in with him anymore.

"You want a bagel or something? I can make you something to eat. The pill might not work on an empty stomach."

"You can actually cook?"

"Of course. What kind of woman can't cook?"

"Apparently the kind I married." He shook his head and I held back the laugh that was dying to escape.

I started walking back into the kitchen. "Well bring her by for a lesson. I could teach her a couple things. And I'm not just talking about cooking." I laughed as I opened the fridge.

I took out the beef bacon, eggs, shredded cheese, and took the pancake mix from my cabinet. I grabbed the frying pans and took everything over to the stove to whip us up some breakfast.

"Damn Desire. I haven't had a home cooked breakfast in a long time." He licked the remainder of the food off the fork.

"That's what happens when you marry a bum. I throws down in the kitchen. Maybe one day, if you nice I'll make you dinner. "

"And maybe one day if you nice, I'll give you a night you'll wake up remembering." He winked at me.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Oh you a blusher huh?"

"Shut up." I smirked. "So tell me a little about yourself."

"Well, I'm 25. Married obviously." I scuffed and began putting the plates into the sink. "I'm a club owner, and I do under the table business. I-"

"The fuck you mean you do under the table business?"

"Illegal shit."

"So you making money but ya bitch walking around with that ugly ass faux fur?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't even like that bitch. We're married because her parent paid me to marry her."

I turned back around with my mouth dropped open.

"You know that's fucked up right?"

"Yeah, but I think she knows about it already and just doesn't care. But she also won't sign the fucking divorce papers."

"Oh so you'll be free to be mine sometime soon?" I ask with a small smirk on my face as I walk towards him.

I stood behind his chair and started rubbing on his shoulders. Damn these shoulders! I can only imagine how last night was.

He stood up from the seat towering over me and looking down at me. He bent down licking his chocolate ass lips and placed them against mine.

A soft moan escaped from my mouth as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I almost drowned out the banging on my door, but it wouldn't stop.

I pushed away from his body and stomped over to my door.

I snatched it open , "What!"

"Bitch, I told you I seen him in here last night."

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