chapt. 8

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Cath's POV

We got in LA about 13 hrs from now. It was a long flight. I just woke up from sleeping on the plane but I couldn't forget Mark. I have to.

I got home and saw my cousins in the house but I ignored them and went to my room. I'm now planning to skip school for a week or at least go back to Korea. I'll try to save money to go back.

"Mom, can I stay out of school for a week, we just came back here," I asked mom.

"Okay, but what're you going to do in a week?" Mom asked.

"Oh.. um.. I'm gonna try to save money," I said.

"So you'll find a part-time job?"

"Uhh.. sure."

I was worrying about saving money, now finding a part-time job. What is life? I thought to myself. This is life. Ughh..

Phone rings...

Mark's POV

Cath left and I'm here thinking about how to bring her back. I called her.

Hello? Mark?

How's it going? How's LA?

Pretty good. As usual, you know. And LA...
I've been thinking about saving money to go
back there actually.

That's good. But how're you gonna save money?

Uh.. part-time job, I guess.

How about me sending money to you?

That's too much. I'm just gonna find a part-time
job that you sending money.

Okay. When are you gonna come back?

I don't really know yet. But I planned on staying
out of school for a week to save money. And
probably going back over the week.

Hm.. Good thing. Okay, it's already midnight here.
Bye, love you.

Goodnight, love you too.

So she's finding a part-time job to save money. I wondered how I can help, but no idea, just sending money. Um... I'll just send money.

I texted her,

Me: I'm gonna be sending 500 dollars there, okay?

C: Wait what? Are you crazy? You'll send half a thousand dollars just for me??

Me: Yes.

C: wait.. You have that kind of money? Howw????

Me: don't worry, I'll take care of it.

C: okay. I'll take care of the other half.

Me: Hmm..

Cath's POV

Mark texted me saying he's gonna send half a thousand dollars just for me to get a ticket to Korea. Aishh, I should've stopped him.

"Mom do you know any part-time jobs I can go on to??" I yelled across the hall.

"Not really," she said. "Okay," I said.

Now I need to go around LA and find a part-time job.


sorry if this chapter was random haha. I'm still finding ways to end this book >_<
guess what'll happen next chapter >_•

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