Chapter 1

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Author Note:
Please do not copy my book! Any signs of plagiarism whether machanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author will be taken seriously.

This book is a work of fiction; names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book is the first I've written so please, if its not good, do not hate or be negative.

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Hera, the Princess.

Thank you
- ncumiencu
I'm Hera, yes like the goddess but trust me, i'm not one. People always say i look beautiful and i take from my mother. Well, my mother is beautiful with her green eyes and golden hair. Her skin lightly tanned and everything she wears looks great on her and her kind nature suits her. Me, on the other hand, am totally the opposite. I've got light blue eyes that I inherited from my grandmother, black hair that i got from my father and pale skin.

This is my story im gonna tell you, about how i, Hera McHall, became a princess. All my life, i thought my family was just normal but were not, we're royal. Im the heiress of King James, my father and Queen Alena.

When i was told, my whole entire life took a turn. My emotions were everywhere. I was feeling overwhelmed, excited, nervous, upset, but mostly; i was disappointed.

I was disappointed because i was not told. I was disappointed because they waited till i was 17 to tell me. I was disappointed because my whole family knew but me. I was disappointed because ... because neither one decided to tell me ... because i had found out myself.


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