Chapter 5

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A/N - sorry for taking long to update. I've just been absolutely busy with everything. Here's the next chapter!

Enjoy! :D

Monday morning. Actually, scratch that, the whole day of Monday is what i am not looking forward to. Especially now since i have a science test and i don't even have my notes with me, the worst part; i haven't even learnt for it. I'll just have to hope to pass and guess my way through it. Arg. Why is this happening to me? Yeah i broke my mom's bowl by mistake and didn't tell her but still, it was for the good. If she don't know, i'll be happily alive. I didn't see Layla this morning... I'm hoping she came to school though but maybe she's ... sick?

"Stop the talking and keep your mouths closed! We'll be starting the test immediately. " Mr Grager's voice said. He held the papers and pushed his crooked glasses back with his finger from his long nose. Mr Grager is a pale skinned, tall and skinny man. He's not really that intimidating and doesn't even shout, he just raises his voice a few inches higher. He walks around giving each person a paper for the test then stands in from of classroom and tells us to start. With clammy hands, i pick up my pencil shakily and start writing on the paper, my eyes reading over the questions repeatedly then answered without even processing what i'm writing.

I can't believe this. I'm going to fail this test.

The bell for the second last period rings and i quickly get out of the class I'm in and bolt out to the restroom. Once i was done with my business i washed my hands then opened the door to get out, only to bump into someone.

"Im so sorry-"

"No-no, its fine. It was my fault anyways. I should've looked where I'm going. " i looked up at the guy and he looked vaguely familiar but i couldn't place my finger on where I could've seen him...

"I-its fine. You know, you kind of look familiar... have we ever met before?" He shakes his head confusingly then his face suddenly lights up.

What's up with this guy?

"Whats your name sunshine?" He winks flirtatiously at me and i gave him an annoyed look.

Sunshine? Am i that bright that i got the honor to be named after the sun?

"Really, sunshine? I didn't know you were so uncreative you couldn't even give a proper nickname. Well I'm done here and i need to go-"

Then the bell rings.

"- to class. The day is over already!?" I should be happy and yes i am but i don't feel like going home now. I should just go to the library to pass time since Layla didn't come to school today. I was a bit disappointed to spending my whole time here on this Monday here at school alone. I should give her a call later on today to ask why she hadn't came to school.

I was already walking to the library when someone grabbed my arm. I looked back at the person to see the same guy. Now that i look at him he has light brown hair and bright dark blue eyes that go well with his lightly tanned skin. I give him a raised eyebrow and he gives one back, but this time with an amusing smirk. "What?"

"Your name sunshine." I roll my eyes at the nickname and turn around only for him to walk in front me, grinning widely. Sighing i open my mouth then close it shaking my head.

"I don't give my name to strangers. And that is ... ting ting ting- you." I point at him. Then i dramatically gasp in horror while pointing to his hair to distract him. His face turns to confusion than panic while he searches his hair and i took that time to run, heading straight to the library.

I walk to the back of the library where i saw this other book yesterday. 

What's it called again? I'll know it when i see it. 

Okay now where are you- there it is!

Now all i need to do is reach up and take it- woah. My hand that is holding the book freezes as I register something in front of me. A mop of dark brown hair is in my vision and when the person moves, I get a view of his tanned skin. His hair falls on his face and that prevents me from seeing his full face. I don't know why but i feel like i need to know him. 

Like I really, really need to...  

He finally moves and turns to where I'm looking at him and our eyes meet. His dark eyes bore into my own for a few seconds but then he quickly turns away from me and disappears from my view. I walk around to the place where he was but he was gone. I look around the library for him but see him nowhere.

Why are you looking for someone you don't even know?

To be totally honest, i don't even know. Maybe i was imagining it, and its not like I'm going to see him again.

Yeah, so it doesn't matter.

But deep down i knew, i knew that i'll see him again whether sooner or later on.


Thoughts on this chapter?

Where do you think is Layla and why wasn't she at school and another mystery, who is the guy at the library?

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~ Ncumiencu

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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