Chapter 3

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Here you go! Hope you enjoy this chapter and don't forget to tap that star at the bottom of your screen :)

- ncumiencu
I was speechless. My mouth hung open with no words daring to come out.

"Um, I-I ... why?" I sputtered out. My mind was jumbled and different emotions flowed through me, my mind filled with questions. This person that i trusted years ago left me and i thought he would never come back.

"Hera, do you know this, sorry but i have to say it, HOT guy?" my best friend asks me confused with a little amusement in her voice but i was still frozen in place and my mind couldn't comprehend what she had said.

9 Years ago
We were laying with our backs on the green grass next to the oak tree watching the blue sky above us. Our legs were half in the sun and the other half with the rest of our bodies was under the covering of the cool shade. My eyes unconsiencly closed and i enjoyed the fresh smell of the flowers and the birds chirping.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." I whisper with a smile on my face.

"I wish we could forever." He murmers, so quietly i barely heard him. I sit up and look at him. His face had contorted into a pained and guilty one.

"What's wrong?" I mumble but soon regret it.

"I'm leaving, Era." He says, not evening looking at me. What's wrong with that because he is coming back tomorrow, like always. I put both my hands on his flushed cheeks and look at him in his eyes.

"So what? You coming back tomorrow, right?" I ask with a shaky voice. He finally looks at me and i got to see different emotions in his eyes.

"Im not comig back tomorrow or the next day," he whispers, closing his eyes as the next words he says breaks my heart into tiny little pieces,"Im leaving for good." He finishes as a tear rolls down my face followed by others. He's words plunge a knife in my heart and my breathing into shaky breaths.

"W-what .. w-why?" I stutter, unable to keep my bottom lip from shaking. He's leaving? No, no, no, no. He can't. Is it because of me? Am i too mean? Although, he's mean to me too and he always like to eat my skittles.

"I ... I just cant tell you." He whispers, then kisses my left cheek soft but tenderly and gives me a hug. "Goodbye." He says softly, leaving me in my sobs.

Im still suprises as i looked at him and i hope this was just a bad dream. Maybe my eyes are still playing tricks on me, but that is not the case at all because he's ... still right there. I take a deep breath and say the name i haven't said in years.


Oooo cliffhanger! Sorry but i just couldn't help it! Just so you can understand, i made a flashback on who the person is. He isn't the mysterious man if you thought he was, he's just another character i added just to spice things up a bit; in other words, to make it more interesting.

Speaking of him,(Triston)who do you think he was to Hera and what do you think was the reason he left?

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