Chapter 4

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He walk forward and opens his arms as if expecting something.
"Aren't you gonna give your best friend a hug?" He says, chuckling. He wants a hug? I think he should get a kick at the place where the sun don't shine!! Okay not really, I'm not that mean. But still, after he left me he thinks he can come back and expect a welcoming hug? Well he better think again because I don't give a freakin' burnt marshmallow what so ever!

I glare at him and walk forward, looking at his green eyes that brought so many memories. Silence surrounds us as an action that is made surprises all of us.


His head flies to the side and his cheek was bright red with the imprint of my hand showing. My hand kinda stung a little but the anger overpowered it so it felt numb. I turned around and ran up the stairs straight to my room. I then walked to my bathroom thats connected to my room and locked the door, then proceeded to slide my back against it. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around myself, closing my eyes as tears silently came out.

Slowly images of Triston and I started playing out in my mind, making my heart heavy. A knock on the door interrupts my train of thoughts but i don't respond.

"Hera, are you okay? Please open the door." She says softly. I quietly stand up from my place on the floor and unlocked the door for her to come in. Once she gets a view of my tear streaked face she immediately walks forward and gives me a bear hug. We stay in a comfortable silence, both of us in our own thoughts. 

After a couple of minutes, Layla went to go order some pizza while i went to wash my face and change the clothes i was wearing to a big shirt and pj shorts.  I tie my hair up in a ponytail and got my grey blanket out then proceeded to go towards the staircase. I put my blanket on my shoulder and slid down, landing on my feet and went towards the couch to sit. Layla puts on the movie Pitch Perfect 2 while we are waiting for the pizza to arrive.


I wake up due to a noise that sounded like two people talking. I get up from my place on the bed and check my phone.

8:00 am

I open my door quietly, making sure not to make a noise and listened. I only heard glimpses of what they said but it sounded really suspicious.

"We have to tell her. " my mom's voice said. Tell who what?

"I know honey, but we can't! We will but not now. " my dad's voice.

"We have to tell her soon because she has to--"

"I know honey, i know." Then i heard some shuffling and then a door close. What was that about? And who are they not telling? I'm just really confused right now. I went back to my room to fetch my phone and walked down the stairs to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. As i was eating my cereal Layla came down.

"Morning." I greeted absentmindedly.

"Morning. What are you thinking about? The guy from yesterday?"

"Actually I'm thinking about my parents. They were talking about something really suspicious..." Layla raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah ...?"

"They were saying something about telling someone something soon." Layla slightly stiffened. I looked at her confused and raised my own eyebrow.

"Oh--yeah--um, it must be nothing. Stop worrying. " she said, while avoiding eye contact with me.

It might be nothing but i'm still curious. Something doesn't seem right.
She finally senses something!!

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