Odahviing x Dragon! Reader

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(Just so you guys know, the setting is in the thick forest just outside Riften! You're hidden in a cave that's hidden by the brush surrounding it)


The sound of a twig snapping caught your keen ears, causing them to flicker. You awoke from your beauty rest, a mighty dragon like you needed to recuperate for another day of causing trouble! In Skyrim, it was necessary to be alert for danger. Even as a powerful dragon, you needed to be aware of your surroundings. Lifting your head, you stared in the direction of the snapping noise. Who knew what it could be; a giant? Mammoth? Maybe a rival dragon?

Another snap made your blood rush with adrenaline, your (eye color) eyes glowing slightly as you tensed up. Slowly and quietly, you adjusted your position to a crouch. Ears erect, you swiveled them side to side to pick up any trace of sound. Hearing footsteps could tell you what you were up against. Would it be the heavy stomps of a brutal Blood Dragon, or the stealthy, hushed pawsteps of a Sabertooth Tiger.

Another crunch, this time much closer. Whatever it was, it was around the corner of your cavern. Growling softly, you prepared yourself for a fight. Ten tons of muscle tensed as you took position, crouching down parallel to the cave floor. Your long neck was arched so your head was close to your chest, protecting it. With lips drawn back to show massive fangs and teeth, you hissed quietly but it grew louder as you lunged forward. The sight of a shadow triggered your attack, and you rounded around the corner in full boss mode. Your pupils were slits to show your intimidating anger, and a glow came from deep within your throat as you prepared to blast whatever it was into Oblivion! However, what you saw surprised you. Skidding to a stop, you choked down the fire blast growing within you and stared down in shock at the creature before you. Looking down, you met the multiple eyes of a troll. It looked back at you with its beady black eyes, cocking its head curiously as it examined your mighty form. Your wide eyes quickly dropped, now gazing down with a rather annoyed expression. Lowering your scaly head to the troll's eye level, you stared at it rather bluntly. It growled, trying to scare you. It raised its clawed hands up, roaring. It stepped forward, drool dripping from its fangs. You grunted, amused by its stupidity.

A single puff of smoke sent the troll squealing out of the cave. You raised yourself to a natural position, letting out a dragon's version of laughter. It sounded like short bursts of dragon roars. Before the brown troll could disappear, a large red dragon landed on it, squishing the troll beneath its massive back feet. The sudden entrance made you jump a bit, but the familiar scent of your mate settled you down. Odahviing shook his scaly pelt, water droplets flying from him like rain. He clearly went for a swim. As he approached you, you let out a kind growl.

"Welcome back Dear!"

You greeted, ears perked forward happily. The red dragon chuckled, drawing his muzzle close to yours. You two touched snouts in a sort of dragon kiss, showing your affections to each other. You breathed in his scent, finding relief of his smell. It comforted you to know your mate was near. However, he smelled strongly of fish.

"What an amazing smell!"

You purred, following your loving mate further into the cave. The two of you walked side by side, your tails curled together making a beautiful mix of red and (scale color). He nuzzles your cheek as he replies.

"Yes my Love, I've been fishing for the past few days. Sorry I took so long, I wanted to make sure I brought plenty of food back."

You snort a laugh.

"That's fine Odahviing, I didn't do much anyways. I just slept pretty much the whole time."

"That's my girl."

Odahviing flashed you a smirk... Or at least a toothy dragon grin. You playfully bump him with your wing, which he returns.

Finally, you both reach the end of the tunnel. It opened to a beautiful space with a small waterfall coming from a high ledge. The water came down gently into a shallow pond, the cool refreshing mountain water surrounded a small island in the center of the area. There, a nest of thick animal skins protected three large eggs from the chilly air. The eggs were a blend of red and (scale color), showing who the parents were. You and Odahviing gazed down lovingly at your eggs, they will be beautiful little chaos causers one day! You turned your head to look at your mate, leaning over to lick his cheek.

"I love you so much!"

You cooed. Odahviing chuckled, turning his head so your foreheads pressed together. Gazing into your (eye color) eyes, he whispered.

"I love you too."

(Thank you soooo much for the support on the last story!! I love reading comments, and I love knowing you guys enjoy my stories! Also, you all are welcome to comment requests for the next stories! Love you guys!)

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