9. A star

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Anna's POV

We were at the suburbs of Seoul which means some abandoned store-houses and what it looks like park places.

"Ji Yong, why are we here? What's this place?" I asked.

"I... I come here sometimes and sit on the roofs of these store-houses. The night sky is beautiful and relaxes me." he said after a short pause. " I've never showed it to anyone else. You're the first one. It's my, you know, secret place."

Ji Yong opened the door of one of the store-houses. I was surprised. I thought it was locked. We entered the place.

Big dusty machines and some hanging wires. The ideal place to shoot one of those scary movies where the would-be victim hears a strange noise and goes straight to that direction. Like 'I'll go there, there's no possible chance for me to get killed.'

Ji Yong's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Anna, come here. Here's the ladder."

"Oh, ok. I'm coming."

We got to the roof and I was grated by a light warm breeze. The millions of shining stars and the full moon makes you feel as if you have fallen under a spell. Magnificent view. Breah-taking. I now understand why he took me here.

"It's...... it's...... I can't describe it, Ji Yong. It's amazing." I stuttered still looking at the sky in awe.

"I know. I feel the same way. Like I'm talking with the universe." he said.

"Will you be offended if I steal your secret place" I joked. "But.... why are you showing me this?"

I looked at him. He was looking at me too with those dreamy eyes, then smiled shyly and looked away.

"Just felt this way. I don't really know."

Ji Yong offered me his hand which I took without hesitation. He lead me to a blanket nearby.
"I can see, you have prepared. " I chuckled. He answered my laugh with a smile.

"Sort of. Some kind of a night picnic." We both lied on the blanked. He crossed arms and put them under his head. I put mine on my stomach.

"I suppose...that I can call this our second dete."

I laught softly. "Yeah. You have every right to do so."

The next minutes passed in silence. But not that silence pregnant with tension, no.
It was calm and relaxing. I looked at him. The wind was playing with his orange hair. He was looking at the stars with a slight smile.

He turned to me. "What?" he asked. Then I realised I had been staring at him for quiet  long time. My chicks went hot.
"N-no, it's n-nothing."

Again silence. Then he asked me..

Ji Yong's POV

Her sister died in a car accident seven years ago. When she told me about that earlier this evening, I could see the pain she feels, the guilty look in her face.
I collected some courage and asked her:
"Anna, would you mind..... telling me about you sister...if you don't wa..."

"It's ok. I have to share it with someone.... and I think..... you are this 'someone'....." she began" As I already said it happened seven years ago." she wasn't looking at me anymore. Her eyes were fixed on the stars and the full moon "I had just got my driving license so my dad suggested going on a short trip to his parents' house. My mom was already there...... The three of us got into the car and I started driving."

Seeing her pain I began to wonder if it was necessary to ask her that. Ji Yong, you and your curiosity.

"We were waiting at the traffic lights. As the light turned green and I began to drive again, another car crashed into us. Our car flipped  several times. Dad broke his leg, I broke my right arm and two ribs and Emily..... she died there, in the car. A piece of glass pierced her."

Anna was now crying bitterly because of me. Damn it. I hugged her trembling body unable to stop the tears.
She's strong but not that strong. Everyone has their weaknesses and this accident is hers.

After some time she calmed down and backed off from the hug. She wiped her face.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to tell me that." I apologised.

"Maybe.... maybe it hurts me more because my mother blames me for everything." she whispered.

"You?! Why?" I couldn't believe that.

"She believes I wasn't careful enough and if I was I would have seen the other car." she explained. "Let's talk about something different, please."

Her words were followed by silence but this one wasn't like the previous - calm and relaxing. It was full on tension. We were again lying on the blanket, looking at the sky.

Suddenly I heard her saying:
"Ji Yong, look! A falling star!"

I looked up to see the line of light dashing through the sky.

I checkled at her excitement.
"Make a wish."

With these words I made mine too.

"' I wish to be with her. "'

Anna's POV

"Ji Yong, look! A falling star!" I said with excitement.

He chuckled. "Make a wish." he said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

'" I wish....I wish to be with him. "'

Too Fast To Live, Too Young To DieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ