Chapter 20.2

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When Raf finally recognised a group of people in the distance, he spurred Bay to the fastest pace she'd reach. Unfortunately, Feyn managed to keep up. But it at least made her shut her mouth for once. Previously, she'd constantly been talking to him about things he couldn't have cared less about.

They reached the group quite a while before Luthi managed to catch up and most people looked frightened by Bay, despite somehow knowing her already. Though Raf had to admit that they had not met her in her nicest mood, still, they were fools to be scared of them, at least so long as they hadn't provoked him or her in any way. The only person who really should have been scared of her was Feyn, who didn't seem to care at all.

Tarlequin ran towards them, looking worried, but not worried enough to get close to Bay. Raf quickly climbed off her back and walked over to the goat-man who reached out a hand, which Raf ignored.

'We need to talk.' Raf said, causing Tarlequin to look even more worried and confused. The man quickly scanned the sky and seemed to calm down once he'd spotted Luthi.

'What about?' Tarlequin's voice sounded sore, not at all as soothing as it used to do.

'Things.' Raf replied, unwilling to let him know while everybody was watching. Despite not caring much about others, Raf knew what it was like to lose somebody who matters, and he knew Sethara had mattered to Tarlequin.

The group of Phraio was still moving, heading to the west. They had a few carts and Umeno with them but most of the Phraio walked, though Raf got the feeling there were less than there had been last time.

'Where's the rest of them?' he asked.

'Gone. Some decided they were better off not listening to me. I couldn't stop them so I just hope they made it somewhere safe, and if they get caught, let's pray they won't tell anyone where we are going.' Tarlequin explained before turning to the Harpyie. 'Feyn, what are you doing here?' he shouted cheerfully.

'Oh, you know, finding myself a new mate...' she said carelessly, Raf stared at her in disbelief. That was brisk even for Raf's own rather liberal standards. Tarlequin just laughed. 'Also,' Feyn continued a little more seriously. 'I've joined the Outcast's tribe.'

'What?' Tarlequin asked, looking at Raf. He just sighed and shook his head, the others would arrive and explain that to the bard soon enough.

'When will you take your next break?' Raf asked, meaning Tarlequin and the group of Phraio.

'We don't. We switch shifts for those laying in the carts to get some sleep while the others march on. The Umeno only need to rest once every few days and we've just started again yesterday.' Tarlequin quickly explained. The group had now passed them and the last ones were looking back at them curiously. 'We're not exactly fast, you know, and so we can't afford resting for too long. One Phraio even caught up on us two days ago, I remembered him to be one of the tribe who sold all of us, and he attacked. Stupid idiot, he was all on his own. And despite none of us having any weapons and many being weak, there are some strong and cruel men in this group. Well, there were, they've all left now.'

'They killed him?' Feyn wanted to know. Tarlequin nodded, looking somewhat sad, but Raf couldn't have cared less.

Tarlequin and Feyn went on to chat about some unimportant stuff while following the group and Raf got back on Bay, not wanting to participate in their conversation. Bay walked slowly and yet soon caught up with the group, staying a good distance away so nobody would panic. Once they made it to the far end of the line, Raf saw an old man walking on a stick. Well, the man wasn't old compared to Raf, but he most certainly was old for a Phraio. His face was full of wrinkles and they weren't the only scars the years had left on him. Raf didn't like seeing people who were affected by their age, it made him feel old and reminded him that he himself had lived much longer than most others ever would.

For a Dretho, he was still relatively young. They were distant relatives of dragons so it was normal for them to live for many centuries, but Phraio rarely grew older than a single century. Thus he'd already lived more than three Phraio lives. And he had no idea how much longer being half-Dretho would keep him alive. Well, with the curse at hand, it wasn't exactly something he had to worry about. He called Bay to a halt and watched the line slowly pass them until he could hear Tarlequin and Feyn, still talking cheerfully.

Finally, Luthi landed next to them. Nume and Kran jumped off nearly immediately and Nume ran to Tarlequin and hugged him tightly. Already watching it made Raf feel uncomfortable. Why did people feel the need to touch each other?

'Well, hello, I see you've missed me.' Tarlequin said in surprise.

'We need to talk.' Kran said.

'I know, Raf already said that, but he wouldn't tell me what about, what's going on?' Tarlequin asked. When Nume finally let go of him, he could see the tears on her face and immediately froze. Once he saw how Raf looked at the Harpyie, he turned to her.

'Feyn, if you could go to the other end of the group and tell the old man there to head southwards, that would be nice. We'll catch up soon. Tell him I've sent you.' Tarlequin said. Raf didn't think that was a good idea but he wouldn't dismiss any possibility to get rid of the Harpyie so he remained quiet.

Now that Feyn wasn't standing right next to Tarlequin anymore, Luthi quickly came over and gently nudged the man, nearly causing him to fall over. The Gseirut didn't seem to notice the uncomfortable silence between the others and demanded to be tickled. But when Tarlequin didn't react, he plunged himself on the ground next to him, making cooing sounds.

'So,' Tarlequin said once the last Phraio were out of earshot. 'tell me, what's the matter?'

Both Nume and Kran looked to the ground and then at each other. Raf sighed, of course they'd try to find a nice way to say what couldn't be said nicely. He couldn't bear watching it so he jumped in and said: 'It's about Sethara.'

'What about her?' Tarlequin asked. When nobody replied, something in his face changed from worry to something else. He knew. Of course he did, Raf thought, it was obvious. After all, he had already known they had put her in danger by meeting the dragons. Yet the bard repeated his question, demanding confirmation of his worries.

'She was murdered.' Raf said, trying to sound as cold and emotionless as possible. He didn't want to make it even worse by showing feelings. 'We watched her die.'

Tarlequin stared at him, then at Nume and Kran who nodded quietly, then back at Raf again. When Nume hugged him once again, a single tear rolled down the Faun's cheek. He didn't say anything, he just stood there and let Nume hug him. There really wasn't anything to be said, Raf thought. But Kran soon proved him wrong, starting to talk about all the other things that had happened.

// Did that scene make you sad? Are you still sad about Sethara's death? I'd love to know! That sounds like I want to make people sad... But I don't, promise! ;) Let me prove that with yet another poem from Tschike:

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Tells me it was good

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and will lift my mood

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