Chapter 31.2

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A sudden loud squeaking sound made everybody turn their heads, including the soldiers. Luthi came crushing down on them, landing too close for comfort and rushing over to Bay immediately. The poor baymout tried to get away but Luthi was so eager, it didn't have a chance. The gseirut happily rubbed its head on Bay's strong shoulders while Feyn landed next to them.

'Mersha!' Nume shouted when she recognised the boy on Luthi's back. 'How did you find them?'

'He didn't, we found him.' Feyn replied for the boy who was now climbing off Luthi, trying to avoid being crushed between him and Bay. 'Why did you leave him behind?'

'What? We didn't, he was just suddenly gone!' Nume said once she was standing next to Feyn.

'It's true, we searched for him but there wasn't a single trace.' Tarlequin added. 'So, young man, where were you?'

'I... I don't know. Don't look at me like that, I really don't! When I woke up, it was already midday and you were all just gone. I swear, it's true!' Mersha explained. He spoke very quickly now. 'I thought you'd left me behind and I didn't know what way you'd gone but I marched on anyway. But I didn't have any water with me and it was so hot and exhaustive so I just passed out and when I woke up again, I was on Luthi's back. Feyn told me they'd found me and picked me up...'

'Calm down, little one.' Feyn said when Mersha had to stop talking so he could breathe. Tarlequin and Nume looked at each other suspiciously.

'Anyway, I'm just glad you're alright and back with us.' Tarlequin finally said, ruffling Mersha's hair. The boy stared at him, pure hatred in his eyes, but the faun didn't even notice.

'Come on, we have to keep going, we're staying behind again.' Nume said. 'Oh and, Feyn, I want you to tell me where you've been... How did you find Luthi?'

When the gseirut heard its name, it let go of Bay and ran over to Nume, demanding to be tickled. In the process, it nearly threw Nume's umeno over but didn't seem to take any notice. Meanwhile, Bay ran away, following the army. Tarlequin lifted Mersha up on Nume's umeno so he could ride with her until they got to the unoccupied one.

'Actually,' Feyn started her story. 'Luthi and Bay found me. But before that, I found some other people, which might interest you even more... Also, I'd rather tell you about it as long as we're still out of the army's earshot.'

'Well then, go ahead.' Nume said, curiously raising an eyebrow.

'When I flew with that stupid soldier in my claws, I saw something. Now, I recognise a swarm when I see one even if they are extremely rare...' Feyn made a meaningful pause but Nume didn't have a clue what she was referring to.

'What are you talking about?'

'The other harpys. They've left the mountains. So after I'd brought the soldier back safely...'

'You mean after Zar'gno forced you to.' Mersha interrupted her, but the harpy went on regardless.

'... I flew away and met them. They told me the dragons had chased them away in an attempt to make them attack the phraio but they refused. On their way, they met many other escapees and talked to them. That's how they heard about us and the safe haven in the Open Wound.'

'So they are searching for shelter as well?'

'Yes, but, I've talked to them a little more, telling them about the army of the night. That's when they figured out what's going on. You know, some of them lived very close to the dragons and they had heard things but never fully understood. Anyway, the dragons are up to something, they knew that. They kept talking about making the phraio attack each other so the army could arise. That made little sense to the harpys because the dragons obviously could just have wiped all phraio out easily any time, but it does make sense when it comes to the army of the night. My people know many stories about them so it is widespread knowledge that the army always returns in times of chaos and panic. They figured the dragons wanted to use the army to not only get rid of phraio but any other developed species in K'haren as well so they could claim their land once again. That's why they want to help the queen, so she'll agree to a shared kingdom.'

'But –' Nume started.

'I wasn't finished.' Feyn said, unfolding her wings and beating them, blowing wind in Nume's face.

'Sorry, go on.'

'I told the harpys about our cause, our attempt to bring peace back to K'haren and they loved it. See, we harpys never really liked the mountains, it's really cold up there... So they would like to return to K'haren in a time of peace and agreed to help. Without hesitation, they decided to spread out and tell everybody. They know which tribes are currently defenceless because most men are roaming the lands so their worried families are left alone. The other harpys will go to them and tell them that their husbands', brothers' and fathers' behaviour will only bring havoc to K'haren and that there is another way. We'll tell them that we're asking for nothing other than peace and acceptance. But the most ingenious part is this: The harpys will travel from tribe to tribe in one big circle. This way, every tribe will eventually get to know about the other tribe's reactions and it will ensure them that they are not alone. They don't have to fear the men who supressed them anymore and if they stand together, they can change something, that's what we're trying to show them. My job is to stay with you and from time to time report to other harpys how you are doing and what is currently going on outside their tribes.' When Feyn didn't speak for a while, Nume dared to say something again.

'You're making sure they are informed about everything going on in K'haren?'

'Exactly. That way, we hinder them from closing their eyes any longer. Now they have to see the truth, the pain they cause and the danger that is waiting for all of us if we don't do something. They'll also know about you brave people who fight for everybody, including them, despite being outcasts.'

'That might even work... Can you do one more thing for me?'

'If it has to be...' Feyn said, but she smiled so Nume asked for it anyway.

'Tell them about Kran. He stood up for those who had less despite being privileged and he ended up being beaten by his own family for it. I want them to know what a hero he truly is. He didn't have to fight, he could just have stayed a future leader of a tribe and fought against us instead, but he decided to help those in need. Now he's back at the Open Wound and hopefully recovering...' Nume swallowed.

'I'll make sure people get to know his story. But yours isn't any less impressive. You chose freedom over power and now you're leading us to peace while facing the worst enemy of them all.'

'What enemy are you referring to?' Mersha asked before Nume got to do so.

'Ignorance.' Feyn stated, spreading her wings and flying away.

// There you go, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment below, it means a lot to me.

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