A Whole New April

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Aaron's pov

Today April is making me hangout with her and I really didn't have a choice, she might hurt Aphmau. It was the worst with her, I tried to tell dad about the whole stabbing Aph part but he didn't believe me. He said April would never do that. She told me she had errands this morning so we had to hangout in the afternoon. When she came in, her hair was down just like Aphmau, her eyes were hazel, she even weared the galaxy print sweater with the black leggings and brown ankle boots. Her skin was not at all different, but it feels like she was trying to be Aphmau.
April: Tada! Do you like it?
Aaron: Why are you like that?
April: I figured if I was a little like your precious Aphmoo, you might like me much more. Some of this is just some stuff like contacts and aome shopping. My hair has extensions
Aaron: Your voice?
April: Just some magicks
Aaron: I don't think I want to hangout today
April: But, sweetie, you promised
Aaron: I have a major headache
April: Ok, you better not be lying cause I swear I will kill Aphmau, if it's the last thing I do
Aaron: No, just a little confusd over the new you
April: Ok, I gonna go
Aaron: Yeah
When, she closed the door I immeadiatly called Aph. Good thing she picked up.
Aphmau: Hello
Aaron: Aph, it's me, Aaron
Aphmau: Why did you call me?
Aaron: You will not believe what just happened
Aphmau: Try me
Aaron: April is trying to act like you
Aphmau: What do you mean?
Aaron: April, has hair, clothes, and eyes just like yours. She told me that I might like her better if she looked like you
Aphmau: And why should that be my problem?
Aaron: I just can't take it! I'm being forced to date April cause if I don't she'll hurt you!
Aphmau: You two are perfect for each other anyway
Aaron: I promise I didn't write any note
Aphmau: We'll talk, tonight. 8pm sharp, at Starbucks
Aaron: Ok, I love you
Aphmau: Sure

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