New Face

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((Here's Chapter Two! I hope you enjoy!))

~~Goku's POV~~

My brother and I said goodbye to our parents and took off into the air. I almost asked if I could stay home from school today, but I remembered what my father had told me this morning, so I decided against it. I just really didn't want to see Broly today, especially after that last text message. I closed my eyes tightly and let out a soft sigh, the wind blowing through my spiky black hair. I didn't open my eyes again until I felt something lightly bump me on the shoulder. I opened my eyes and glanced over, only to see Raditz looking at me with a concerned expression.

"What's the matter, little brother?" He asked with a concerned tone.

"Nothing, Rad...I just don't feel real well right now." I lied, and he didn't look convinced.

"Should we walk from here? We've got plenty of time." He asked and I just nodded. We landed on the sidewalk and continued our way to school on foot. I kept my eyes on the ground, my hands shoved into my pockets. I listened to Raditz jabber on about god knows what up until we reached the school. Raditz lightly punched me on the shoulder and took off toward the building. I sighed and looked up, my eyes scanning around for Broly because that's what I was supposed to do every day when I got to school. Maybe he's already inside... I thought to myself. I had to fight the urge to turn around and run home. If I didn't show up today, it would cause problems later on, mostly with mom and dad.

I made my way inside the building, looking everywhere Broly normally is. Maybe he wasn't even here yet. I half way hoped he wouldn't show up today. It would definitely make the day better. As I continued searching, I wasn't exactly watching where I was going and ended up running right into someone, causing me to fall back on my butt. I sure hope that wasn't Broly...I thought to myself, but then I heard a voice talking to me. It clearly wasn't Broly.

"Are you alright?" The voice asked, sounding kind of annoyed.

"O-oh! Yeah...I'm really sorry I ran into you..." I finally managed to look up at the person and I couldn't help but stare at him. He was a bit taller than me, but our hair style was fairly similar. He also had greyish skin and black eyes. He was actually pretty good looking. I shook my head quickly. I was really glad I hadn't said that one out loud, especially if Broly heard me. I'd be dead.

"Don't worry about it." He finally replied, holding out a hand to help me up. I took his hand quickly and smiled.

"Thanks. You're a new face. Is this your first day here?" I asked as he pulled me to my feet.

"Yeah. My name is Turles." He replied, giving me a small smile.

"My name is Kakarot, but most of my friends call me Goku." I still had a smile on my face, and noticed that Turles had a tail wrapped around his waist. "You're a Saiyan too?"

"Indeed. Since this is a high school for Saiyans." He laughed softly and glanced at the time. "I've got to go. Maybe we'll have a class together."

"Very possible! See you later then." He nodded at me and walked off. I sighed quietly. He's really freaking cute and he seemed really nice. I just stood there in a daze until a strong hand grabbed me around the waist. I squealed slightly and turned to look behind me. I didn't like who I saw either. It was Broly. He was even taller than Turles, had medium length black hair and angry looking eyes that were also black. He kept a firm hold on me as he spun me around to face him. He glared down at me. Clearly he had seen what happened a few minutes ago.

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