Telling Him

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I paced around the house waiting for Turles to come home. I was still really freaked out about being pregnant, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I could feel the baby's ki clearly now since my father had pointed it out to me. I figured that having Turles sense the baby's ki would be the best way for him to find out. My father had left about twenty minutes ago since Turles would be home in about ten. I was feeling a lot better so I assured my dad that I'd be fine until my husband came home. To be completely honest, I wasn't fine though. I was completely freaking out about this whole situation. I continued to pace from the living room to the kitchen to the bedroom and back to the living room. I repeated the process over and over again until I suddenly heard a car door slam shut. I froze in place and closed my eyes. I made a final decision. I'd let him find out after dinner. Yeah, perfect! As soon as my decision was made, I heard the front door open and close. I squealed and peaked at my husband with a small smile on my face.

"Hey Turl." I smiled softly.

"Hey Kaka. You look a lot better than you did earlier. Are you feeling better now?" He asked as he made his way over and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah, I'm doing much better now. My dad made me a huge ass steak and I took a nice long nap and now I feel great. I even got dinner ready for us!" I say excitedly. Turles chuckled softly and nuzzled my cheek before taking my hand and walking us to the kitchen where I had a huge meatloaf dinner prepared. We sat down at the table and began to dig in to the dinner I had made. I asked my husband about his day, only to find that it was long and stressful. I could see how tired he was and began to reconsider telling him, but I instantly pushed that from my mind. I had to tell him tonight or else I wouldn't find the courage to do it again. Once we were done eating, Turles helped me with the dishes and then the two of us made our way upstairs to the bathroom.

I sat on the edge of the sink while Turles ran a hot bath for the two of us. I placed a hand on my stomach and smiled softly. The little ki was still there, but Turles still hadn't noticed it. Since it was so small, he wouldn't be able to notice it until I point it out to him. As soon as the bath was ready, Turles came over and undressed me, then he lowered me into the water carefully before taking off his own clothes and joining me in the tub. We took turns washing each other's hair and bodies, making out with each other every now and again. Once we were done in the tub, I got out slowly and grabbed a towel so I could start to dry myself off. Turles followed me and then the two of us walked to the bedroom together. I went over to my dresser, pulled out a pair of pajama pants. I pulled them on and then sat myself down on the bed. I watched Turles change and then he came over and joined me on the bed, pulling me into a tight embrace. I cleared my throat and looked up at him, smiling slightly.

"What is it, Kakarot?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Well...I have something to tell you, but at the same time, I want you to figure it out for yourself." I say quietly.

"You can't just tell me?" He asked, giving me a slight pout.

"Just do this for me. Close your eyes and focus on nothing accept me. Make sure you focus hard too or else you might just miss what I'm trying to tell you." I say softly. He give me a funny look but obeys.

~~Turles's POV~~

I did what Kakarot told me to do, even though I didn't really see the point. I didn't understand why he couldn't just tell me, but I decided to play his little game just to make him happy. I closed my eyes and turned my focus on him, clearing out everything else that surrounded me. In my mind, his figure appeared, but in a shadow form. I could also sense his energy. I was about to give up and just force him to tell me, when I suddenly sensed something different...and smaller. I focused harder on my shadow figure of Kakarot and noticed that there was a small light in shadow Kakarot's stomach. That's when I felt it. A very small ki in Kakarot's stomach...that could only mean...

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" I exclaimed, snapping my eyes open. I scared him so much when I yelled that it caused him to jump at least five feet off the bed.

"Y-yeah...I'm pregnant..." He nodded, his voice shaking slightly. I couldn't contain my excitement anymore. I jerked Kakarot into my arms and hugged him tightly, being very careful around his stomach.

"W-we're going to be parents..." I say quietly as I felt tears of joy coming to my eyes.

"That's and I are going to be parents... He replies softly. I just continued to hug Kakarot even tighter. I was so excited that I could barely contain myself. I pulled back a bit and smashed my lips to my husband's, causing him to moan slightly. When I pulled back, we both just smiled at each other. We were finally going to be parents and start our own little family together, and I could hardly wait. The two of us settled down on the bed and cuddled with each other. Soon, I felt Kakarot asleep in my arms, the small ki in his stomach becoming very noticeable now. I'm going to be a daddy...I thought to myself as I held Kakarot close to me and drifted off into a deep sleep.

((Me: AWWW!!! SO CUTE!!!

Goku: I'm so relieved that he was happy...

Turles: Of course I was happy! *Hugs Kakarot from behind*

Me: You two are so cute together! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Until next time! And again, thanks for being such awesome readers!)) 

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