It's Time

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((Warning! This chapter does have descriptive Yaoi in it! If you don't like that kind of stuff, just skip this chapter and await patiently for the next one! If you do like that kind of stuff, then enjoy!))

~~One Month Later, Bond Time~~

It's been exactly one month now since I made that promise to Turles. My parents were so happy when I told them that he wanted to bond with me and make me his mate. They couldn't be happier mostly because they completely trusted him, especially since he helped rescue me. I had also told them that Turles and I had planned on getting married a month after we bonded, but they suggested that I talk to him and see if he'd wait until after I graduated high school, which I agreed with them. As I slowly got ready for tonight, my heart just kept pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe that this was really going to happen, but I couldn't be happier. I wanted nothing more than to be with Turles forever, and no one else. I wanted to start a family with him soon too. Luckily I'm not in heat right now, so I can't get pregnant. It's a bit early for kids, but I know in the near future it will happen. This was even better because today started spring break for school, which meant that I could spend all week with Turles without any interruptions. As soon as I packed my last thing, I quickly rushed downstairs and sat a bag by the door. My father came out of the living room and spun me around, hugging me tightly.

"Kakarot. You made a fantastic choice with this man. I know he's going to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. " My father smiled and released me from his grasp.

"Thanks daddy. I really do believe that he's the one for me, and honestly I wouldn't choose anyone else over him." I replied, blushing darkly. I heard a knock at the door, and I nearly squealed, I was so excited.

"Just be safe, son. Promise me." He was really serious and I just nodded at him.

"I promise daddy." We hugged one last time and then I opened the door. When I saw his face, my heart melted. God he's so freaking handsome and I still didn't understand how I got so lucky. Turles smiled at me gently and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Are you ready, Kaka?" He asked lightly.

"Yes I am." I replied as I reached down to grab my bag. I said bye to my parents and then Turles and I took to the sky. He wrapped his tail around mine as we flew toward his place and I just sighed softly. It was just going to be me and him for a whole week. I still couldn't get used to that thought, but I'd have to fast. Tonight was the night we were going to bond, and I knew that it was going to be special. Nothing could make it even more special, but then I remembered my parents telling me to see if he'd postpone the wedding. My parents really wanted me to graduate high school before I got married, and I could understand that, but would he? I decided to wait until we got to his house to ask him that question. I'd just rather not do it while we're flying, just in case he freaked out or something.

After about thirty minutes of flying, we finally landed outside his house. He grabbed my hand and quickly tugged me inside, closing the door behind us. Once inside, he tugged us straight to his room and began showing me where I could put everything for the week. As soon as everything was put away, I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him over to the bed, sitting down on it. He sat down beside me and gave me a curious look.

"Is something wrong, Kaka?" He asked.

"There's just something I wanted to ask you, Turles." I replied, squeezing his hand a bit.

"Ask away, babe." He smiled and nuzzled my cheek lightly.

"Alright..." I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "Would it be okay if we postponed the wedding until after I graduate high school? My parents want me to graduate really badly before I get married."

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