Broly's Story

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~Goku's POV~~

I stood there staring at the man who tortured me for so long with nothing but shock on my face. He was back in his old body, which confused me a little bit, but I didn't care. I just wanted this guy to quit torturing me and leave me alone. I'm married and have a daughter... My eyes fell on the thing that Broly was holding in his arms and I gasped loudly. He was holding my daughter...who thankfully looked completely unharmed. I sighed with relief and then turned my gaze back to Broly. I took a deep breath and slowly walked up to him, trying to be careful with my movements. I looked him in the eyes and noticed that something was different. Instead of that cold gaze that I was so used to seeing, I saw a different kind of look. A look of concern and worry. I tilted my head a bit in confusion. This couldn't be the same Broly that I know...could it?

"B-Broly..." I asked, stuttering slightly. He didn't say anything. Instead he just nodded and held my daughter out to me. When she saw me, she squealed with excitement and I instantly took her and hugged her carefully. I instantly started crying and sank to the floor, holding her tightly. A hand came down on my shoulder and I gasped loudly, looking up at Broly with fear in my eyes.

"You...don't have to be scared anymore...I know that's hard for you...but you need to trust me just this once... However, I'd first like to have the chance to tell you everything...if you'll give me that chance..." His voice was low and full of sorrow. I whimpered slightly but decided to give him the opportunity to tell me whatever he wanted to tell me. I nodded slightly and he carefully helped me back to my feet. We walked over to the bed and sat against the pillows. I held Chaya to my chest and stroked her hair gently. She purred softly and then started nuzzling my chest. Her stomach suddenly growled and that's when I realized that she was probably starving. I looked up at Broly and blushed slightly.

"Do you um...mind if I feed her while you talk...?" I asked shyly.

"No, go ahead. It won't bother me." He said softly and I just nodded. I placed her on the bed and slowly pulled my shirt off before picking her back up and holding her to my chest. She instantly latched onto my nipple and I turned my attention back to Broly.

"So...what did you want to tell me...?" I asked cautiously.

"Just listen carefully, okay? During our relationship...I didn't mean to act the way I did... To tell you the truth...Frieza's been controlling me ever since we first started dating Kakarot... He's been using this..." Broly paused and held up a small chip. I stared at it and tilted my head curiously. "This tiny chip was able to control my entire body and even the words that came out of my mouth. I found where it was and I dug it out of my skin. It was really close to my heart so one wrong move and I would have died again. I tried to control myself because I really did like you, Kakarot. Frieza must have noticed that and took the opportunity to hurt you. He knows that you possess great power...hell you were even able to turn into a Super Saiyan when I nearly killed Turles...which I'm very sorry about. Frieza fears your power and he wanted to break you so far that you'd always be skittish and scared to do anything. He used me because I'm also really powerful and I could easily over power you. I could have easily killed you with Frieza controlling me...but I begged him not to kill you... I even let him have sex with me whenever he wanted just to keep you alive because like I said, I really did and still do care about you. I hate everything that I was forced to do to you. I hated the fact that I was forced to hurt you and I really am truly sorry. I understand if you don't believe me but that really is the truth. I've even got this to show you..." He took a breath and rolled up his pant leg to reveal an F that was clawed into his outer thigh. He then rolled up his sleeve to reveal a similar scar on his forearm. I gasped softly and shifted Chaya into one arm so I could trace over the scar on his arm. I looked up and stared into his eyes. I could tell that they were filled with nothing but pure truth and I nearly started crying once again.

"Broly...I had no idea...what you were doing in order to keep me alive... really didn't mean any of the hurtful things you said to me...?" I asked softly as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"No, Kakarot. I didn't mean anything I said to you. It was this chip that was controlling everything. I'll tell you what I honestly think of you now that it's gone though." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"O-okay..." I said softly.

"What I really think of you is that you're so beautiful. Your personality is amazing and the way you laugh is just adorable. I've heard you laugh a few times so I know. I should have tried to fight Frieza better so that I could protect you and actually have a chance to truly be with you, but now, I've missed my shot. I think that Turles is the luckiest man alive to be married to you and you two have a beautiful daughter. You truly are one of a kind Kakarot, and I know for a fact I'll never find anyone as great as you." He said sincerely. I couldn't quit crying after he said all that, and I could tell that he truly meant it. I slowly slid closer to him and wrapped my free arm around his neck. He sighed happily and carefully wrapped his strong arms around my small figure.

"You really mean that, Broly...?" I sniffled.

"Of course I do, Kakarot and I promise that I will try my hardest to get you and your daughter out of here safely. I won't let that tyrant touch either one of you. It's the least I can do for putting you through everything I did to you..." He replied as he nuzzled my cheek gently.

"Come back with me, Broly." I said suddenly as I locked eyes with him once again.

"W-what...?" He asked, sounding really confused.

"Come back with me. If you tell them everything you told me, then I'm sure they'll reconsider and accept you and maybe even forgive you. You've got proof and everything so please come back with me." I pleaded.

"Even after everything I'd still want me to come back with you...?" He asked softly.

"Yes. I want you to come back with me. I forgive you for everything now that I know you weren't yourself. So please...come back with us." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Alright...if you think they'll forgive me for everything after I explain myself to them then I'll come back with you." He replied as he returned my smile. I couldn't help but blush at his smile. Broly really was a good looking guy and now I was seeing the real side of him. The side I never knew about. I just hope that my family and my husband will forgive him for everything because he wasn't in control of his actions. Even if they didn't, I'd still be his friend and no one would ever stop me. Chaya finally finished eating and pulled away from my nipple. I sat her down to pull my shirt back on and then I settled down on the bed, pulling Chaya to my chest and snuggling her gently. I felt Broly move to get off the bed but I quickly grabbed his wrist, causing him to turn and give me a curious look.

"Um...if it's not too much to ask...will you stay with us...? I'm kind of scared and I don't want to be alone... I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to protect my baby..." I said softly as my voice started to shake. I heard Broly chuckle softly as he settled back down beside me. I gave him a smile and he returned it as he slipped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest. I instantly relaxed and curled up tightly in his arms. Hopefully...the three of us could somehow escape this place without Frieza noticing... I didn't want to leave Broly behind...I know his past isn't the best, but he wasn't himself back then and now he is himself. I just hope that when we all get out of here...he can end up finding some happiness without Frieza controlling him and ruining his life. He deserves that at least. I sighed quietly and placed my head on Broly's chest and closed my eyes. I heard him purr softly as I slowly drifted off into sleep.

((I have FINALLY gotten this one updated! This chatper definietly took the longest to plan out and get done but I'm so glad that it's finally done! You've learned Broly's back story on why he was so mean and now he's finally who he really is! Will the three of them manage to escape? Will Kaka's family listen to Broly? Will they believe him? Find out next time! Again I am so so so sorry this took so long but I really hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please let me know! Until next time!!))

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