Part 6

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Weary from the emotional trauma of the day, Amber fell asleep as soon as Aidan left the room. Early the next morning, she woke up wearily with a pounding headache. At first glance, she was shocked by her surroundings, but it all slowly started to come back to her. And just like that it hit her. She was in Aidan Turner's flat.

Amber stood up quickly, then fell back down to the bed, her head spinning. She tried it again, slowly, and managed to stand. She slowly and carefully walked out of the room and downstairs. She peered around the corner and found Aidan sitting on the sofa, sipping a cup of strong coffee. Sensing her presence, Aidan looked up, smiling. His glance caught Amber off guard and she looked away quickly, then found his gaze again. "Morning, sweetheart," Aidan said, standing up and walking past her into the kitchen, "Want a cuppa?" She stuttered a bit, still taking in the fact that she was in Aidan Turner's flat talking to Aidan Turner. "I'm not much of a coffee person, but thanks," she replied. "An American who doesn't drink coffee?" he asked, laughing, "What a rare specimen you are." Amber giggled. "Well, what can I get you then?" he asked. "Do you have hot chocolate?" she asked shyly. "That's an odd request, but I bet I can figure something out. Why don't you just go sit on the sofa, and I'll be right in, okay?" Amber nodded and walked into the living room, sitting awkwardly on the couch. In minutes, Aidan placed a steaming cup of liquid into her hands, and picked his own cup of coffee back up. Amber sipped her drink. She had never tasted anything that good in her life. Probably because he was the one who had made it.

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