Part 18

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He'd probably planned it this way, but it just so happened that the pub was right down the street. After they both had burst out of the flat, laughing, Aidan let go of Amber's hand and they began to calm down. "You ready for a fun night?" Aidan joked. "It's a Tuesday, Aidan," she replied, not realising that he was kidding. "Hey, neither of us have work in the morning, so it's fine! Let's get hammered."

Within a few minutes, they walked into the pub. Aidan had purposely avoided going to the other pub, the one where they met. He didn't want to stir any bad memories up. After all, this pub was nicer. Almost date material. "Go find a booth," he told Amber, nudging her off, "I'll go get some drinks." Amber nodded, walking off and finding a nice booth. A few minutes later, Aidan came back, two beers in hand. He slid in across from her, handing her a beer. "Cheers," he smiled, raising his glass then taking a sip.


A few hours later, and they both had had a considerable amount to drink. Aidan was a bit...sloppy, and they both agreed that they should head back home. After a couple drunken, stumbling minutes, they somehow found themselves back at the flat. Aidan fumbled for his keys and unlocked the door. Taking a step in, Amber tripped over the groceries Aidan had dropped earlier, and Aidan tripped over her, catching himself as he hovered over her. "Hi," Amber breathed heavily, to which Aidan responded with a drunken kiss, strong and passionate.


Amber woke up early the next morning, her head pounding with a hangover. She'd somehow managed to get into Aidan's bed; he still insisted that she sleep there. Only this morning, she wasn't alone. She turned and saw Aidan, shirtless, and asleep. Her jaw dropped as she realised what had happened the previous night. Jumping up and re-dressing, she ran into the bathroom and broke down in tears.

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