Chapter 10: Innocence

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I could feel everyone's eyes on us as we walked through the door, the low murmur of whispers sounding like thousands of insects buzzing in a small, tightly enclosed room. Yulia nudged me slightly, calling my attention to her, a soft hint of a smile on her lips. 

"I'm sorry," 

she whispered, barely loud enough for even me to hear, let alone anyone else.

"It's not your fault." I whispered back, feeling her put an arm around my shoulders as we made our way toward our class. I could feel everyone's eyes burning into us,  though I did my best to ignore it as I leaned slightly into her side, feeling calmed almost instantly by the scent of Lavander that seemed to flow from around her.

As we walked into our first class I knew that we couldn't escape them though I longed for the floor to swallow me.

"What? Did you let her fuck you too Elena?" A girl, who's name I think was Anya sneered as we walked by.

"Mind your own Damned buisness Kinova!" Yulia snapped back, her arm tightening around me as she practically lead me to my seat. 

I felt my eyes burn and could feel the shame burning in my face though Yulia was sitting there, her jaw clenched as she stared straight ahead, almost completely ignoring me until Lunch came around.

"Lena, I'm sorry." 

she appologized again, poking at (what was suppose to be) meatloaf on her tray.

"for what?" I asked, hating myself for how choked my voice was sounding.

"For all of this! For being your friend! If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be getting treated like shit!" she bit out, her blue eyes glazing over slightly as she finished speaking.

"Yulia....I'm use to it." I whispered, hearing her let out a shuddering breath before she responded softly.

"you shouldn't have to. Hell, no one should. Not even an fucking murderer like me." 

"You aren't a murderer! Just because your ex girlfriend killed herself doesn't mean you had anything to do with it! Damnit Yulia, none of this is your fault!" I found myself yelling, the tears that I had been holding back since that morning spilling over as I watched her eyes grow wide.

By then the whole school was listeninging and a dull roar of murmured voices filled the large room, but I didn't care. Yulia didn't deserve this either, any of it. 

"Lena...Don't. You're going to make it worse on yourself." 

she muttered, her lips quivering though she was trying so hard not to show any form of emotion.

"I don't give a fuck anymore Yulia! I went through this shit alone once, I'm not letting someone else go through the same I did just because I was too big of a a fucking coward than to say anything!" 

I responded. 

"So you're a dyke?" Aston called from a table near our, causing Yulia to suddenly jump to her feet and whirl around to face him. However before she could I found myself responding 

"It's none of your damn buisness who I screw because it sure the hell wouldn't be you either way!" 

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