Chapter 14: Hell No.

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"So you were out with Yulia all day?"

Katya asked at dinner that night.

"Yeah, she showed me around town. Did you know they had one of those indoor trampoline park things in town?" 

I answered, earning a surprised look from my Mom.

"well at least you're getting out. So what all did you two do today?"

"well besides eat lunch and walking around I met Yulia's Dad...who evidently came home before he was supposed to." 

I answered.

"are you and Yulia dating?"

I almost inhaled the whole contents of my bowl of soup into a lung at that.


I spluttered, prompting a laugh from Dad.

"Kat, stop teasing your sister."

He chuckled 

"I'm not! Yulia just is around all the time like that other girl and Yulia makes Lena laugh..."

she argued, earning a chuckle.

"maybe we should make them stay downstairs from now on."

Dad joked, causing my mom's face to turn red.

"My lord...."

That's when I got up.

"I am not having this conversation with my little if you'll excuse me."

I could hear both our parents laughing as I left the room, really making me hate my family at that point.

falling backward onto the bed I grabbed my phone and typed out.

my family is fucking crazy.

It didn't take but a few minutes for Yulia to reply


Groaning I typed back.

My family literally brought up my sex dinner.

the texts stopped for a few minutes before Yulia responded again

'sorry for the delay....I was laughing too hard at that thought to function.'

I could only imagine that.

some friend you are, Volk.

'what? You laughed at me when I fell and busted my ass at the bowling alley!'

I laughed at the memory and rolled my eyes.

fine, you're forgiven but I want to know what the hell kind of drug everyone is on tonight.

I could imagine Yulia laughing at this, her head thrown back and eyes glistening.

Stop being weird Lena! 

I mentally yelled at myself, just as my Mom walked in.

"Geez, learn to knock." 

I grumbled, earning a laugh.

"I was just seeing if you were okay." 

she retorted before adding 

"especially after your father said that ."

I know why she was concerned though frankly it was a wasted effort.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just left before one of them made inhale a bowl next time." 

I retorted, earning a laugh.

"I've said this once and I'll say it again....At least a girl can't get you pregnant."

I felt the heat crawl into my neck and face, prompting me to  bury my face into my pillow.

"Mom! Stop being weird!" 

Sometime that night I awoke in a cold sweat, vivid images forming in my minds eye to remind me of the shit that my brain had came up.

Hell no....that is it....I am going crazy.

I thought as I got up to take a shower, hoping that it would drive that image from my brain.

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