Chapter 13: Showoff.

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"you look like shit." 

That was the first words that Yulia said the next morning.

"gee thanks...ass-hat." 

I retorted, suppressing a yawn as I followed Yulia, who looked way too amused at that response.

"what did you do? stay up all night?"

she asked, causing me to really want to Nell her in back of the head with something in that moment.

"If you must know, basically. I had a lot of crap on my mind."

I answered, earning a surprised look.

"about what? not the shit from school I hope." 

Yulia asked, her forehead knitting in concern.

"No, not school shit." 

I retorted before asking 

"where are we going anyway?"

I noticed how her eyes lit up a bit at this and she chuckled.

"you'll see."

I followed her up the slippery incline that lead to her house, nearly falling flat on my face more times than I would care to admit.

"Come on dumb ass....I don't want you to kill yourself before we get there."

Yulia teased as she pulled me to my feet, keeping my hand in hers as she practically pulled me up the hill.

"If I break my neck....God better have mercy on your soul."

I warned, hating every bit of being out in this weather.

"oh stop your whining. We're almost there."

she retorted.

"You'll think whining if I was to fall because I am going to shove you down this hill."

I warned, earning a laugh from her.

"I doubt you could balance yourself that good, Red."

and here's the smart ass side again.

I thought rolling my eyes as we drew toward the top of the hill.

"I spend all my summers out here...Though in all honesty it's much prettier in the winter."

she informed me, just as we reached the brow of the hill, pausing as she added 

"specifically when the sun hits the lake like this."

The lake itself looked like it glowed as the sun reflected off ice as if it were a mirror,  although it was slightly painful to look at due to the brightness of the snow around it.

"It's beautiful."

I stated, causing her to smirk, though then she just grabbed my hand once more, causing blood to run to my face though I knew that one couldn't see it due to how red my face got due to the cold winds.

"There's a small cabin on back toward the lake, but it's just too cold to go there now." 

she informed me before adding softly 

"But that's not all I wanted you to see.....since you're new here I wanted to show you around. But first....I think you need to warm up.....before you end up looking like a macaque."

arching a brow at her I let her drag me back toward her house, nearly skiing on ice and snow in the process.

"You are such a wimp...Watch this!" 

she stated, smirking in that infuriating way that she had as she took off running, skidding down the hill like some kind of surf boarder.

"When you face-plant I am going to laugh, Showoff!"

I called, only to get flipped off by her.

"I never  fall!" 

she boasted, though that was obviously a lie.

Her eyes sparkled wildly as she turned to face me, obviously high from her Adrenalin rush.

"One day you're going to kill yourself with that showing off."

I stated, though she just laughed.

"relax...if I didn't kill myself cliff diving last year then skidding down a hill won't hurt me."

and here comes the bragging.

I thought though she just grinned and pumped her shoulder against mine.

"C'mon...Let's head inside."

"Oh! You have a friend over?"

A man that had to be Yulia's dad stated from the kitchen, where he was drinking a cup of tea.

"Yeah, um...Dad, meet Elena Katina. she moved in down the street." 

Yulia stated.

"Nice to meet you Sir." 

I stated, earning a small smile from him.

"So you're the Lena we've been hearing so much's good to meet you as well." 

he stated, though this only caused Yulia's face to turn about three different shades of red.

"Okay Dad.....Besides trying to embarrass the hell out of me, can you help me make something  that will keep her from freezing?"

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