Chapter 3

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Still marks POV.....
So I was 'looking' at y/n because of her beauty, i feel attracted to her, the very second I saw her at the stoplight, I just about had a heart attack, i don't think,having a 'thing' for her is legal plus,i have no idea how old she is,but who cares, age is just a number,it doesn't matter to me AT ALL!!!! but i love her, i know it sounds crazy,but it does not matter how old she is.

Y/n's POV

Mark,is staring at me,I'm not sure if he's daydreaming but,eh who cares, so to get him to stop i asked "so Mark, when where you born?" he shook himself out of it, and he said "what did you say?" "I said so Mark, when where you born?" he said "oh, June 28th,1989" "ok, i was born, (when you where born)" he said "oh,so your a (zodiac sign)?" "yes,i am" "oh,ok i am-" "cancer, i know, i know most zodiac signs" "COOL!!!" I'm still concerned about him......

( I know its short but,what is gonna happen?!?!? Is mark gonna ask you out or us he just gonna be like fuck it I have better things to do instead? Anyway,WATETMELOAN OUTA HERE!!!!)

thank you for reading bye, my little butterflies!!!

also, I'm a Scorpio, and he's... well, you guys already know.....

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