hey, its been a while.

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Hey guys, so it's been a long time since if last updates so lemme give u guys a fast forward into what's happened so far this year.

So to start off, COVID-19 came and fucked up the year, school got fucked up, and my life has been CRAZY!!! So my brother jett had a gf who was in jail recently bc she has two felines on her ass, they're domestic batter charges and she's stolen alcohol from my mom and jett and lies to they're faces about it, so it got so toxic they both got physically violent and I now have a wonderful bf who's a little older than me😂 shhh. But he's wayyyy better than my ex, like 1000x better. Everyone's ok tho, and I've been having a really good time lately, and I moved from my room, my new room has its own balcony and bathroom. It's a little crazy but I've been suuperrr freakin busy. So that's a little update, plus my bf was being really curious about my book😂😂😂😂.

I'll try to post a picture.


P. S, Thanks for all the votes, reads and followers, I love you all🥰❤❤

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