A/N & Apologies

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Helle everyone, again.

So to start this all off. I'm going to start with what's been going on recently.

To begin I will start with how my mom is doing, she's been doing fantastic! She's made alot of progress so far she's stopped smoking and drinking which is amazing progress. to be honest I never thought I'd ever see her stop smoking. She started smoking at the age of 9 ever since then she was smoking for 50 years! I don't know anyone else who could stop smoking after 50 years. She stopped about atleast a week ago. She's using Chantix so if you do know someone who's like my mom I would highly advise you to refer them to it. It's not a patch, it's a pill kind of. I don't know what they look like I haven't seen her actually take them but I know she has she's not that kind of person to lie. She's very open minded, which is what I love about her most.

So anyway, be cautious with this though this "medicine" can cause depression and suicidal thoughts so be very weary and if someone you know is taking Chantix, watch them very closely. I mean it. My mother has depression and if you knew her you would understand why, because I do.

She hasn't had alcohol in a while she's been getting very better. Her appetite's back and her throat doesn't burn. So be very soft on hard alcohol don't be a Dean Winchester! Or you could lose your liver, and kidneys! Always be responsible around any kind of alcohol really. Drinking can also FUCK up your intestines and I'm pretty sure burn your esophagus so be careful. Please for your sake and everyone else around you's sake. Now I'm not saying don't drink, but be wise with it. I mean it's not my place to be telling you this but I just don't want other people turning up like my mom. So please be safe.



I love you guys very much and thank you so much for 1.2 k reads!!!! And I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just wanna make sure my mom is ok, I'm sure you'll understand. Family comes first right? I'm not saaying you're not my family! Your near and dear to my heart and i love you whoever is reading this *blows a kiss*. And thank you, Have a beautifull day/noon/night. I love you <3.

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