Chapter One; Waffles:

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Max's POV

I woke up before Ross and Tim because the crack in the window formed a little beam of light that hit me directly in the eyes. I decide to get up and make some waffles although they wern't as good as Tim's I made everyone some. I walked into Tim's room with his waffles and wake him up
"Tim, It is time to get ready for work"
"Awe Max you always do this let me sleep in"
"I have waffles"
With the word waffles it seemed like he had gotten out of bed and dressed within a flash. Tim sat back down taking the waffles and thanked me as I walked out the door.

I grabbed Ross' plate off the counter and stood outside his bedroom door, this was my favorite part of the morning. Being able to see his beautiful face and hear his tired voice it just makes me fall in love even more every morning. I walk in and see him laying in bed sound asleep and I don't want to wake him but I know I have to.
"Narwhal, it is time to get up... I made you waffles"
Ross stirred before rolling over and putting on his glasses
"Morning Max"
Ross' voice made me feel butterflies in my stomach as I sit down on his bed.
"They smell so good, did Tim make them?"
"No I thought I'd give it a go today, let me know how they are after"

Ross' POV

After Max left I started to eat my waffles and my how they were good, dare I say it? Yeah they are better then Tims. Max always seems a little hesitant to wake me up in the morning and I have never understood why he was like this he is fine throughout the day but I'm not sure. He is kind of cute though with his ginger hair messed up and his bacon pajamas even more this time because he did something so nice for me. I cut my waffles into heart shapes and I think of him. As I eat the last of the heart I ask myself why I have these feelings but I just shrug it off and push them  down. I get ready for work not realizing Max and Tim are already in the car waiting.


Hey there, this is my first ever story so yeah I hope it is good =D

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