Chapter Seven; Change Is Coming

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Max's POV

Hearing Adam Call us in such a way was worrying but we had to go to him anyway.

Why are you guys dating, I have always told you not to.

I feel Ross cower behind my arm so I puff up my chest and stand up for us

You always say that shit in a joking manner how the fuck am I supposed to know that shit was real plus you are bi you dingwit

I am married to a woman I put my feelings about guys behind me, this is a no gay company.

Hearing these words tore my heart in half but Ross would always get the bigger half.

Ross stepped forward "well fuck this job then Max and I have happiness and the equipment we need to continue what we love with the one we love, Max is my everything and you could never ever take him away from me!"

Hearing Ross speak these words and watching the tears roll down his face made me feel so many emotions.

Ross and I pack our stuff or what we could and told Tim that we didn't want to see him ever.

When we got home Ross ran to his room and sat on his bed. I walk in expecting him to be crying but instead he was smiling.

What are you smiling about?

I did it Max, I wanted to do that for so long!

What? Yell at Adam?

No... tell you how I feel.

Oh Narwhal, I love you

I kiss him on his forehead as we laid down in his bed. We talked about moving out to a place not to far from the apartment that Ross' friend was selling. It was only a small place but it was perfect.

As I laid on my back and Ross laid facing away from me he spun his head slightly held my hand on the far side of me and pulled me so that we where spooning. This is rare for Ross to start this stuff but it was amazing, he stroked my hand as he drifted off to sleep as I did.

Ross' POV

I woke up terrified from a dream where Adam had started hitting me and I just hope it wasn't a sign.


Hey hey long time no write I'm sorry I hope I can make it up to you, I can't believe I got nearly another 100 reads since my thank you! Thank you all so much

Don't forget, Max appreciates your existence

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