Chapter Three; Chicken:

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Max's POV

I never wanted the ride to end, I loved having him next to me but we had to get out and do work. I was sitting at my desk editing one of Adam's videos but my attention was on Ross and how adoreable he is, how I just wanted to grab him and never let go and protect him because he is my little Narwhal.

I need to do it, just walk in there but go slow don't barge in just walk in like normal. I slowly stand up and my whole body feels like jelly, what if he doesn't like me back? What if he hates me after? All these thought had filled my mind I continued heading for his door and he sees me doing so and smiles making me happy.

I walk in and sit on the spare seat not saying anything.
Max are you okay
huh? Oh yeah, I just need to tell you something
Okay, what is it?
I ah um, I am posting videos on the 30th of may
I know, is that all?
Y - yeah

I'm a fucking chicken, he probably thinks I'm a fucking idiot for telling him something he already knew why the fuck did I chicken out? Why am I so worried about this? I'm sick of having these questions on my head, they never go away


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