Three - Real Life Horror Story

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Danny flew up the steps silently and recovered the spare key from under the pirate gnome next to the drainpipe. The key slipped into the lock almost silently and it gave a quiet click as Danny turned it. Pushing the door Danny crossed the threshold and closed the door behind him. Sliding his feet across the hardwood floor he made almost no sound as he made his way down the hallway and prepared to pounce through the living room door. Crouching he tensed his muscles ready, his brain was lost in the chase that he failed to see the door open slightly. The momentum sent him sprawling into the room and straight into a large leather armchair loaded with cushions.

“Next time Danny you might want to think of a better way around the front gate.” The bespectacled young man that had been in the window was now launching himself on top of Danny. “I saw straight through your attack.”

“Ok Matt I give up; now get your fat ass off me.” The pale green plush cushion his face was buried in; muffled Danny’s voice.

Matt released his grip and stood up. “Considering that you have just spent a week locked up with your mother I don’t think that you have any room to be calling my ass fat.”

“Well how about you run into this chair and I sit on top of you?” Danny suggested as he dusted himself off.

“I think I'll pass on that one.” Matt laughed. “But before we deviate how was the incarceration? I mean your sense of humour hasn’t changed so that is a good thing.” He took up the chair that Danny had just vacated. “Please take a seat on my couch and tell Dr. Matt all about it.”

Danny laughed at him and perched himself on the edge of the sofa. “I think you are a little ahead of yourself, after-all you have yet to finish your BSc.”

“Are you going to answer the question or are you just going to keep deflecting the attention away from yourself?” Matt mimed writing notes on a notepad.

“The food was shit, so was the company and they lied about having access to fresh air.” Danny lay down on the sofa. “If I was to be honest I'm starting to believe that the police officers were in fact nicer to me than my own family.”

“You are a free man now, so have you decided what you want to change about your life?” Matt pushed his glasses back up his nose.

“I can't change my mother, father or sister, and all they want is for me to stop coming over here.” Danny sat up to face Matt. “I am not giving up my friend for them.”

The familiarity of Matt's room was a comfort to Danny; this is one of the few places that he felt secure. He walked across the cream carpet and dropped down into his favourite lime green bean-bag chair. The pair of them had been laughing and joking for an hour before ordering the pizza that they were now eating.

“So how much do you know about this whole murder thing?” Danny asked between mouthfuls of pepperoni stuffed crust.

“She ended up in one big bloody mess.” Matt dropped the slice he was eating and sat up tall in his office chair. “According to my very reliable sources she went to the green by Sleeper's hill to meet with you. Her motive for such can only be speculated, but obviously, you did not turn up. Someone brought a large dog to the scene and had him attack her.” He took another bite of pizza. “That’s the official story.”

“What is your version of the story, I know that you must have a slightly different frame of reference?” Danny said as he waited to hear one of his friend's conspiracy theories.

“There are a few issues with their version of events. Which begins with the origin of the animal that attacked Rebecca?” He slid his plate onto his desk. “To own a hybrid wolf/dog is illegal without the correct license, everyone known in the system has already been questioned but there is apparently no hybrid anywhere in the United Kingdom. Which leaves the rational minded people with two possibilities: either it is an illegal ring of breeders or the wolves they released in Scotland have mated with domestic dogs.” Matt exhaled loudly and collapsed back into the chair.

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