Seven - Hierarchy

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Sunlight glistened on the damp motorway tarmac, blinding the drivers who dared to drive on an early Sunday morning. Danny pulled down the visor in the passenger seat of Matt’s car checking his reflection in the mirror as it blocked out the glaring light. Butterflies swam in his stomach as he thought about what lay ahead of him. He was running scenarios through his mind, the more he thought the worse the thoughts became, and he started to consider getting Matt to turn the car around. 

“Are you alright? You've gone all quiet on me again.” Matt took his eyes off the road to look at Danny briefly.

“What?” Danny said in surprise at the sudden attempt at conversation. 

“I asked if you were alright.” His eyes fixed back on the road as he manuvered into the centre lane. 

“Yeah I’m fine.” Danny stared blankly at the road ahead of him. ”Just a little worried I guess.” Danny was uncomfortable; he did not want Matt to know how scared he truly was. 

“From what you have said, I think you'll be fine. Raven obviously has feelings for you, he tried to protect you from this remember.” Matt's words of wisdom calmed Danny, enabling his breathing to return to normal. 

“It's not him I’m worried about, it's Rocco. He hates me, he hated me from the start and now he's going to loathe me.” He sighed loudly as he turned to the window once more. 

“No one can loathe you. You are a loveable guy, remember that.”

“My mother loathes me.” He stared at the glass. 

“Your mother doesn't count; she's several bricks short of a full load.” The pair of them chuckled. “Finally happy Danny is back.”

The radio blared loudly as they continued down the motorway, the wind whipping through Danny's hair as he gazed out of the window blindly. Danny was thinking of him again. Raven. The way he carried himself, his warm earthy smell, the way warmth seemed to speed through his body right to his core whenever they touched.

The clicking of the indicator made Danny snap back to reality, his mind back in the car with his best friend. Unease flooded through him as he wondered how Matt is still friends with him, knowing everything that he had done the murders and ravaged livestock.  The slip road curved round and descended into a small car park, restaurant and petrol station.

“You want anything whilst I’m in the shop?” Matt asked as he pulled up next to one of the petrol pumps.

“No thanks I’m fine.” Danny continued to stare out of the window. Ashamed of himself he avoided looking at him. 

“Are you sure? You can come in with me if you want.” Matt leaned in the window as he pumped petrol into the car.

“Nope, I'm fine.” Danny said still avoiding his gaze.

“Don't get all like that with me again. I'm getting you something and you are going to eat it.” Matt placed the nozzle back and began to walk into the store before Danny could argue with him.

Danny's mood had not lifted, if anything he was feeling worse as Matt slid into the car and handed him a chocolate bar. “I am a monster.”

“Only for one night of the month, you can live the rest of it you know.” Matt said as he turned the key in the ignition.

“But...” Danny said as he stowed the chocolate in the glove compartment.

“But nothing, the only one stopping you living right now is yourself.” Matt said in frustration. He hated the depression that surrounded Danny following the death of Stuart.  The annoyance exacerbated by the fact that none of the cars would let him back on the motorway. He beeped the horn in annoyance.

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